You were rated 5/10.

These were the aspects that added up to your rating:

  • Rizz - 2/10. Hiding behind a book? Classic move. Let me guess, your pickup line is 'Wanna discuss exponential growth?' Spoiler alert: nobody wants to.

  • Clothes - 3/10. Rocking the 'just rolled out of bed after a week-long Netflix binge' look, I see. Those slippers scream 'I've given up,' and not in a chic, existential way.

  • Vibe - 6/10. You're giving off a 'trying to manifest success while drowning in student loan debt' aura. Relatable, but maybe crack a window open and let some fresh air in.

  • Background - 4/10. That fireplace is giving off more heat than your love life. And what's with the creepy Valentine's decor? Is it February or a horror movie?

  • Style - 2/10. Style? What style? You look like you got dressed in the dark using only items your grandma gifted you.

  • Humor - 4/10. The '#1 Boss' mug is ironic, right? Because with those jokes, you're more like the '#1 suspect' in a case of 'who stole the funny?'

  • Bonus Points - 1. That cat is adorable, though. Maybe it can teach you a thing or two about charisma.

Overall: You're a walking, talking embodiment of 'Netflix and chill, but like, by yourself, with a side of existential dread. Get it together.

What you can do to improve: Ditch the slippers, invest in a lint roller, and find a hobby that doesn't involve staring at a screen. And for the love of all that is holy, change that Valentine's decor!

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