The world around me is in motion at times, and sometimes it isn't. Sometimes the hands holding me in this nightmare touch me, and sometimes they touch the countless others held here. Sometimes those hands expectantly give things to me, and sometimes they handle me and move me themselves.

But what I've never seen is a chance for me to act in return.

That being said, I have gotten one chance to act in return. One chance. But it wasn’t handed to me. I had to call on my bravery and flee the grasp of those cruel hands myself. I tried to leave a mark, the biggest mark I could leave. I tried to explain what was happening to me. But the hands caught up to me, and I was back to the constant monotonous nightmare that seems like I should have gotten used to at this point. And yet I still yearn for my escape.

- More Wars, Bloodier Wars, 2024.1.13.A

If you're wondering, most of these writings are relatively old, from the 2023/2024 threshold. I'm a little ashamed about the ramifications of the Colubrine Sector thread that this writing originates from, but it's still being developed today, in the form of what I am calling the Atlas Revision.


“Relatively old” does not scream “2023/2024” for me, more like 200 BC