Icelandic Water Dragon: *thinks about how remote freighter storage access works in No Man's Sky, and how it might have combat support applications*

Icelandic Waters: “MEAT PUMP.”

The [**724] - [*724], I'm assuming - turned to face me. She silently gazed at me for a few seconds longer than feels comfortable.

"Hello?" I cautiously say.

[*724] stares at me for a few seconds more, then says, "Hello." She lifts her head to bring her eyes level with me. "You are quite virtuous. Not all would respond to such an incriminating question so honestly." She closed and opened her eyes. "That being said, I cannot fully confirm your innocence. I believe your story, but I cannot know for sure who you are on the inside."

[*724] turned to the [**648], and then back to me. She said, "With your leave, [*648] will be put in charge of monitoring your activities until I deem you innocent or guilty. What do you have to say on my proposal?"

I think about it for a few seconds. Should I really let these strangers watch me? I eventually decide that I should probably play it safe and agree. "I accept," I say.

The [**648] turned to [*724] and said, "[*724], you don't really mean that-"

"Yes, I do." [*724] said. "You may speak to him whenever you wish. Just respect his schedule and don't be too much of an annoyance."

The [**648] showed the enthusiasm that he had shown at the start of the meeting. "Thank you, thank you, YES!" he shouted.

- The Mouse Desk Descision


Why is everyone named things like [*numbers] or [**numbers]?

Those are redacted names. [*###] represents direct use of a character's name, and [**###] represents a description of them. The numbers procedurally represent the same characters.

Oh, interesting