I’ve gotten to the point where finding new users to follow is becoming tedious. I need a reliable and preferably fast way to view all/almost all users on wo.m. Does anyone know of a way? I’ve already tried using the Wasteof Wrapped website to find a few, but the results are incomplete and outdated when people have changed their usernames.

Jun 12, 2024, 10:34 PM
5 1 28


you still haven’t found my secret account >:D

Can I have a clue?

mass turkeys

Ok I don’t get it

Can I have another clue?

It’s not Two of a Kind because as far as I know the amount of accounts like this is not Greater Than One. Because there are more than three wasteof accounts in existence, there ard More Than Three Choices as to what this account could be, but all you have to do is not make the Bad Choices, then it’ll basically be Easy Mode on how to find this account.

If you know the right thing you’ll be thinking “I Think I Get It” right now

well turkey is 783562 km² in surface area, the radius of the earth is about 6360 km and its density is 5513 kg/m³, so getting the volume of turkey by 1/3 × A × h = 1661151440 km³ = 1661151440000000000 m³ and multiplying that by the density gets 9157927888720000000000 kg

but that’s turkey’s mass, not mass turkeys

Turkey Surface area is not measured in km²

Unless maybe you’re counting every turkey but you would still need a single turkey to use as a base value, if I make myself understood?

I think that’s the country of Turkey

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there probly sum code u can write to brute force find every user by spamming the API but idk if jeffalo would like u to do that

How would you do that?

depends on how long usernames can be but u wriet sum code to make a list of every single possible combination of characters (in other word, every theoretical username ever) and ask the API if each one of these exists (this would take too long and probly crash wasteof in the process)

Ah ok, there’ll be hundreds of billions of users in that case. I thought you meant you could ask the API what users exist :P

I did the maths: there are approximately 40481240000000000000000000000000 different combinations of wasteof usernames, and on my computer it takes 1 and a half seconds to check if each one exists, so it would take around 60000000000000000000000000000000 seconds or 20000000000000000000 centuries to check them all xD

That’s infeasible then lol

we could rent a supercomputer :)

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I did this for scratch a while ago, but only checking 3 letter usernames, and it took 27 hours 💀 i can only imagine how long it would take to check every single username lol.