every single time I hear about windows 11 I become more grateful that I immediately switched my laptop’s OS to windows 10 from 11 when I got it

and when they kill 10, imma just use Linux because no way in hell am I using windows 11


windows 11 isn’t much worse than 10

My biggest issue’s with windows 11 is onedrive, bloatware, bloatware and onedrive

forgot to mention about bloatware

tbf windows 10 also has onedrive, and some degree of bloatware, but

  1. it doesn’t have all that annoying copilot bs

  2. it’s aesthetically less corporate imo

  3. from what I’ve heard 11 preforms worse and has a worse UX and doesn’t even have all of the features of 10

The problem with onedrive in windows 11 is that files take way longer to sync than in windows 10, also I have been seeing many of my files syncing without being in their correct folders.

I completely agree on copilot, its the reason why I switched from Microsoft edge to Brave browser.

I agree on aesthetics but I got over it the more I use 11

Performance mostly depends on what hardware you have and how optimised they’re for windows 11. Personally windows 11 feels more smoother than windows 10. The only downside is that some tasks are tedious to do in windows 11 compared to windows 10, ex: Right clicking on a file does not show the full options, instead I have to click on “show more options“ which is very annoying.

so you’re grateful for switching from 10 to 11

but when 10 support dies, you switch to linux because you dont like 11?


I switched from 11 to 10, my laptop came with 11

it was 10 from 11, not 10 to 11 in the post

oh sorry, i thought it was “to”, not “from”

i have reading problems

dw I probably would have done the same thing lol