How do you get likes & followers on this website legitimately?


Post high quality stuff, which will get you on the trending page. A lot of people (Like me) don’t like that many posts, only really cool one. And being on the trending page helps others find you.

What are examples of high quality posts?

Just look at the explore page, what ever posts are on top of daily/weekly trending are the kind that will go “viral” is weekly #1, and I don’t consider asking for likes very legitimate

Lol, yeah, I didn’t like that post, and it’s kinda annoying that it’s number one. RIght now, on daily, I have 3 trending posts. Two posts about the new minecraft update. And one meme I posted. Usually posts with images do well ig? They seem more high quality and cooler.

I noticed that image posts do well, unfortunately I can’t post images, because I can’t see them anyways - my school blocks most image hosts, including both available ones for wo.m.

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