this reminds me of what happened with geometry dash a while back.

someone on youtube with the username of “kolo” made a video (with very good evidence) exposing the then-top gd player spaceuk for cheating. unfortunately, because he was so new to the gd community, no one took his video seriously. when he tried sending his evidence to the demonlist team, their only response back was “you are wrong 👍”.

then about a year later people found out that kolo was right all along and spaceuk had cheated everything.

just remembered that time 11 year old me tried downloading a minecraft mod, but got stopped by windows smartscreen, so little me assumed obviously it was a virus. so i posted on a forum saying the mod was a virus, was met with ridicule, including a 100k+ youtuber making a hate video on me, and then a couple weeks later people found out the developer was a pedophile and the mod was literally a virus.
