i thought i would share some daily affirmations i use with you guys if you wanted them

  1. i am a mistake

  2. it's never worth it

  3. everything is a lie

  4. i can't escape

  5. i have no freedom

  6. i need her i need her i need her i nee

  7. guns were a great invention

  8. i'm still a mistake

i repeat each of these to myself in the morning 5 times while staring at myself in the mirror


it's okay! stop saying you're a mistake! You're not a mistake! Everything happens for a reason and your existence has helped me so much, it has literally stopped me from killing myself. Everything isn't a lie. I'm not lying to you, I swear. There is no good without bad. Lies are why the truth is valuable. Guns weren't a great invention. They are an invention that has caused and continues to cause so much pain and hurt. Yes it can be worth it! It's worth it that I'm scrubbing ink off the wall to get the chance to be able to talk to you for like 0.2 seconds. It's worth it that you exist, because your existence has made one life, one moment better for someone even if it's just me! I can't say much about you having no freedom because honestly I agree with you. It's the illusion of choice. BUT, you do have the freedom to love yourself and get better. You do have the freedom to look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself how beautiful and perfect you are. I know this ain't DMs, and if you'd like it I can delete all this but you’re perfect. the purpose of your existence doesn't have to be yourself. It can be others. Don't kill yourself. Please don't. Long ago I wanted to kill myself too. But I stopped myself. I realized that I could live with the purpose of other peoples existence. I'm not saying its the best reason, but I helped me. I don't live for myself. I live so that I can help other people, so I can love other people, so that I can make a difference in their lives.

idk which her you're referring to, but I’m here if you need me, anytime.

i thought you forgot this site existed

I am everywhere. Joking, sometimes I just get a feeling I should check this account of yours, and everytime that I check it something is posted. 6th sense. I just don't say anything unless by accident like last time or if I feel it's needed like this time. I see you. 😉

  1. You’re not a mistake.

  2. Most of the time it is.

  3. Except in politics that’s not true.

  4. I don’t know if you meant this metaphorically or literally but you probably can either case.

  5. Fair enough.

  6. Ok.

  7. No.

  8. No, you are a great person.