He bought a playdate console? play.date <---- you should make sure that people have figured this out yet, im gonna go on college or do they have are incredible.


play dates seem sick, although a bit pricey 😬

definitely worth it though

As someone who bought one a while ago, how often do you use yours?

a couple times a week, usually in the morning when I’m tired

cool, what’s your fav game

I really like star sled

Order now for $199!

My man I bought my friend his own DS a while ago for $39 and those aren’t even in active production anymore 😭

yeah, but do DS's come with 24 free games? it's a lot easier to get a hold of a DS because people sell them for cheap on eBay.

I get your point, but the guy who sold it also included a pack of like 10-15 games (yes I was mad jealous, no i did not keep any)