plongbor scroscly sclar beeby blooplo sclee

plarspwar plorblor blee ar

orglar sclee beebloshlar sclee scleescly

sclee shlarcly

blee cloboclong o plosclor blorscly plarspwar

beeby blooplo glee ar

plongbor scleescly sclar orglar blooplo

sclee blorscly

plarscror beeby spwarng sclee sclorng spwarspwar

sclee blorscly arsclar

orglar sclee plarspwar clorng screengbeeng blee ar

blee barclarsclar o glee

plongbor scleescly sclar orglar sclee plarspwar

blorngscry blee

blee scloocleeng o beeby sclorng blorngscry blee

sclee barclarsclar o glee

orglar sclee plarspwar arngbar

sclee plarspwar scrospwy

sclee plarspwar borclar arscly blee


glarscreeng glee sclee plarng shlarng scroblo?

orglar sclee plarng sclarng Bleescrarscly sclorng eesclor Screeclor

i was try to firgure this out but then i realized that the ‘r’s are probably meant to be of the non-rhotic kind, not the rhotic kind

big difference

ok i know what this is but i forgot what’s it’s called so i can’t translate it

plorcly borglar

the song is “mi ken ala moli e pipi”

sina en ni li pona!

why does destroy double line breaks?