plongbor scroscly sclar beeby blooplo sclee
plarspwar plorblor blee ar
orglar sclee beebloshlar sclee scleescly
sclee shlarcly
blee cloboclong o plosclor blorscly plarspwar
beeby blooplo glee ar
plongbor scleescly sclar orglar blooplo
sclee blorscly
plarscror beeby spwarng sclee sclorng spwarspwar
sclee blorscly arsclar
orglar sclee plarspwar clorng screengbeeng blee ar
blee barclarsclar o glee
plongbor scleescly sclar orglar sclee plarspwar
blorngscry blee
blee scloocleeng o beeby sclorng blorngscry blee
sclee barclarsclar o glee
orglar sclee plarspwar arngbar
sclee plarspwar scrospwy
sclee plarspwar borclar arscly blee
i was try to firgure this out but then i realized that the ‘r’s are probably meant to be of the non-rhotic kind, not the rhotic kind
big difference