I just figured out how I could make a bot to follow everyone. I would probably get banned though…


i figured this out close to the beginning of the site but didn't do it for the same reason. i know a new way now that also gets people with 0 follower{s,ing} but requires posts

what is it? also I did do it on @potato_chip

there's an api called /random-post or something. we ran some code for a while to download all posts which enabled us to download all users. the result of that was called wasteof explorer, i think, but i think the guy who made it left the site.

you could do something similar but if you find a user you haven't followed yet, follow them in the same way you're following everyone else

I tried using the random-post api method once but it only lets you request it about 5 times before it rate limits you and you have to request it again. Maybe when you did it was before they added the restriction. If you can somehow find the list of users from before please let me know! :) btw if you are interested my current list of users is https://jamied132.github.io/users.json

no, i remember we added a really long delay. there might be a header you can check to see when you can retry.

I’ll have a look

I’m willing to get banned

Do you want JavaScript or Python?

Befunge-98 Python

Idk if I can just say it here or not. Do you have an email address? Otherwise I can just post it on your wall and then you can delete it

Probably just do the wall thing, I don’t want to share it publicly

Disguise it as a normal account then follow everyone with it

I might.. (also when I said follow everyone I meant everyone that I found before, not everyone)

Yeah I understood that

give it to me jamieD ill take it