Lukewarm take🔥 eat the rich. now that’s hot.

or actually stop big corporations. I actually made a post elsewhere that said

Ok, s-so this one person wants love of a crazy kind and WONT GIVE WHAT I WANT so that's an issue of their skill and not mine. Lord, please grant me wonderful happiness and don't make my loved ones explode. I would rather starve from malnutrition than have the people I love get hurt. Or rather, I don't want to get hurt, and I don't want them to get hurt. Family and friends, please live long and prosperous lives, get rid of those darn big-laned car stroads (Not Just Bikes reference) to make sure that actually happens, and remove huge corporations that only look for profit. I want 'em non-profits. I also think it's odd that this site is judged under UK law, the country known for some crazy politics and policies that lead to the determent of minorities and majorities that live there.


Hot take: Fines should be based on your income. The bigger your income, the bigger the fine.

Fines are something used to discourage someone doing something, but it’s hardly discouraging for a millionaire who can happily take a parking ticket whenever they like, they aren’t above the law.


no offense but I thought you were hacked and someone was just shitposting on your account 💀

nah, I was just looking at Internet Archive Wayback Machine archives of my site across time, and was reminded of Not much has happened from the people I followed, besides like 10 of them. Glad people are liking it!

Also omg I think the top level post I made here shows great maturity 🎉 so good to know I might’ve grown in the 1 or 2 years I forgot about this wonderful site. (Only annoyance is the image hosting sites, like I wish there was support. I used that a lot a few years ago.)

lmao, glad to see you’re still active :)

im active on fedi not here 😨 but ty! I might come around to see whats up more than every year from now on…

also this was not a shitpost, it was surprisingly personal. I posted it to the site of the loved one 🥶 (and talked to it to them. open communication rocks!)

I hope my digital footprint never comes back to haunt me like BENOFTHEWEEK mentioned in a @dramamama YT video.

oh wow I did not know a code block would make it scroll like that. sorry, or maybe that was helpful?