My questions are A) would cameras be placed in every open-air area, including in backwards and other private property, or just in public spaces, B) who would be able to access this data, and C) how long would the footage be kept for?

Today, I remembered a minor incident which I don't remember exactly when it happened, but piecing together the events, I do remember that it happened during the afternoon of a Monday. My family residence has a security camera system, but according to my dad, it only keeps footage for a month. If only I had the back porch forage . . .

Question: Would you want there to be cameras… everywhere? Excluding peoples houses, cameras would be everywhere, every alley. IR. 4K. fantastic quality. This would obviously be super cool cause it would lower crime by a ton. There is already very little crime in cities with camera’s everywhere. But are the downsides not worth it?
