they should bring 2 char usernames back

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You know the namesnipers who did that left right?

1) They might come back (impossible usersnames is still active, idk if he creates them, but he sure is obsessed with archiving them)

2) New people might start sniping them

1) I know who that is he doesn't create them he just stops them from being deleted

2) Well then they’ll get banned from this wonderful website. Surely that's not worth losing right?

1) Ok,

2) Tell that to ayd

2) He left after making accounts like @nigger and I have a feeling he's not coming back soon

Ok, yes people like geo and a others do benefit from the names, but after the name snipers claim all of them, there wont be any left. I just don’t think it’s worth it, but to each their own ig.

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