Trust the process ā¬‡ļø āœ…

A year ago, I had no secure income, I was broken hearted after my first love broke up with me, I had no friends in my sixth form, I was depressed and disliked myself, I was skinny, unfit and demotivated and my grades at school were sucked at C, D, E at their worst.

I realised soon enough that nobody could get my life to its best other than me, it will be monotonous and hard but ultimately a routine, and foundations in life like exercise, planning, eating well, checklists, early mornings and nights and working hard will allow me to self actualise and reach full potential of health, happiness and success.

Today, some months I make an income of just under Ā£500 because I am organised and make time for work outside of study and other life, I go to the gym or workout at home 3-4 times a week and run at least once a week, my grades were A, B, C at the end of term because of my study and I enter each day with a positive outlook. All this meant god allowed me to be lucky enough to meet my girlfriend of 3 months, who I love immensely and have a social life with many friends.

See the silver linings in every day, despite family circumstances I have powered through and achieved because I prayed to god and looked on the bright side or remembered how lucky I was to have other outlooks in my life.

You are capable of anything. Set yourself steps and put in 100% every day. You will make it trust the process šŸ†

Sep 1, 2024, 8:00 PM
4 0 2


Thanks for the good advice that Iā€™m probably going to ignore and live in mediocrity forever after

Missing out bro, you are so capable!