I'm officially a helldivers veteran (100 hours of service)


I reached that months ago dude, go freedom harder, skill issue /j (although I have been at over 100 hours for a while)

I play other games (between launch of HD2 and now I 100%ed spider-man 2, played most of astro bot, finished ultrakill 8-9 times, 35 hours in JC3, Project Zomboid shenanigans, FORTNITE, mc, etc. Basically I got 100 hours despite not focusing on it which is cool. I have a friend who got 28 hours of playtime in 2 days months back so I try and not be like that lol

so you’re a gamer, just not enough patriotism (/j)

have you ever even heard of just cause 3


I did hear you say that its on sale for 3 dollars and its really good

its peak trust me bro its like an action movie that you play except its like a fifth of the price of a movie ticket