As many of you are aware, Jaguar recently undergone a wildly different rebrand that saw them remove the Leaper from their logo and using it only as a symbol on cars and replacing it with a simple font spelling out “JaGUar”. While I’m somewhat sceptical of this general direction, I’m also a moron, and it is entirely possible I’m missing the point and that this new look will be the saving grace for the company and help them reorient their target market. But, just for fun, I decided to do a little refresh of my own that attempts to mix a little of the new branding (by redrawing the new Leaper out of its odd barcode looking prison) and a little hint of the heritage and classy vibe that Jaguar is known for. I’ve never done a branding for a car company before, so that was a fun challenge. Hope you like what you see! You can find more of the work I did for this on my Scratch account, da-ta2, linked in the comments. Until next time!
I honestly don’t like the new logo and it’s minimalistic design but I think that if Jaguar continues to make cars, the logo could actually look good on the front and back sides of the car. I don’t really know. Great work as always.
Link to the da-ta2 project: