To play OG Fortnite (which to their credit is fun btw) I had to do two 40GB updates which both took like a day each I then played a few games Monday was gonna then play a few more on Tuesday but then got hit by another update, this time 11GB which still takes hours

I hate fortnite for a lot of reasons but the least subjective is that the constant updates constantly make the game unplayable without a rather large download, which I can’t do most of the time because other people need to use the internet which the download would tank.

As cool as frequent drops are, it inconveniences me so much


How the fuck do you even make updates that big

game devs arent really optimizing anymore, as hardware gets better the software optimization seems to be doing down a lot. back in the day when not everyone had a discrete gpu game devs probably worked very hard on optimizing every single variable/function but now its like use a 100GB game engine with 200GB of textures load all of em in and boom you have AAA game