
Fly high Atticus | 15 April 2015 - 1 July 2024

It really pains me to say, Atticus is dead.

For those unaware, Atticus is my beloved russian blue cat. I’ve had him since he was a kitten up until 2015.

Recently, his health went on a rapid decline due to heart disease and blood clots. The only humane thing we could do was euthanisation. It was not an easy decision, but it was for the best. I held his paw as he crossed the rainbow bridge, making sure he knew how much I loved him.

If you can, please donate to https://everycat.org/about/ to help research feline health, including cures or better treatment for heart disease like Atticus had.

Edit: I made a memorial site for Atticus that you can view at https://memorial.atticat.tech. It has a short history of his life, a massive album of every photo I’ve taken of Atticus and some favourite ones on the home page.

Jul 1, 2024, 2:51 AM
52 2 4

Just saved 2 Google WiFis from landfill! Both were bootlooping but re-reconnecting the antenna cables and reflashing stock firmware fixed them! One is already set up, the other is yet to be setup somewhere/given to someone else

For context, both of these Google WiFis were recovered from someone's curbside collection, one is in really good condition with only a few marks (the not set up one) the other is pretty badly scratched but still works fine (the one at my brother's desk)

this took 4+ months btw guys

guess what has more functionality, is actually hosted, and didn’t take 4+ months? https://megi.atticat.tech


We are excited to announce that the open-source code for our first Operation Volcano project is officially out in beta! Sorry for the wait, we know it’s not complete yet (more in README), but we will continue providing frequent updates for everyone. Thank you, and if you would like to help us out, please do! Thank you for your contribution.


KyleTech, Tnix, Eris, radi8, Flux, & Bloctans.


Aug 26, 2024, 12:34 AM
7 1 2
Aug 31, 2024, 7:11 AM
3 0 6

me when I spread misinformation online


From the tests i have done, there are many vulnerabilities on this website, there are also a lot of bugs. Example: when posting something, if you spam click `post` it will create a post for every time you click the button, there should be an implementation to limit the time between posts and to make the button a one time click. (THIS BUG MAKES THE SITE LAG!). its also a pain to delete all of the posts if you accidentally do so as the site refreshes but will still lag and there is a small chance that the post will not be deleted. There is also a password vulnerability… maybe don’t have the user’s passwords get stored as a plain document.

THERE ARE VULNERABILITIES IN THE REPO!; Yes, even tho the repo is the legacy site and isn’t used anymore it is still good to state the vulnerabilities on the repo as people might use the template to make their own site like this and wont know of the vulnerabilities in the code:

List of the vulnerabilities on the repo: SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR), Lack of Input Validation, Insecure, Outdated Dependencies, Lack of Error Handling, Insecure Session Managemen, Storage of Sensitive Data(user and password information: Insecure Password Storage, Weak Password Hashing, Lack of Password Salting, Insecure Password Verification, Missing Password Complexity Requirements, insecure Password Reset Token Generation, insecure Password Storage in Sessions), Lack of Secure Communication… sry <3

i guess we doin circles now

Sorry for late post, had some issues actually registering the domain but the winner is @eris!

Entries are now closed! Winners will be picked soon

Entries are now closed! Winners will be picked soon

Last chance to enter my .store domain giveaway! (Ends 18 August 2024 @ 1am EST)

DM me on Meower, Discord or Telegram to enter (username is JoshAtticus for all of them)!

Aug 18, 2024, 4:49 AM
5 0 0

4 likes on my domain giveaway post but no entries from wasteof, only meower, I promise this is real guys you don’t need payment info or anything

Hey guys, I’m giving away a free .store domain for a year, can be anything you want, I have a promo from my registrar VentraIP Australia to get a free .store domain and I don’t need it.

To enter, comment below or DM me on Meower (username is JoshAtticus), entries end on the 18th of August 2024 at 1pm AWST, where I will randomly pick a winner and announce them here and on Meower.

If you win, I can transfer the domain to you by either

  1. You create a VentraIP Australia account (It’s free), DM me your email on Meower (@JoshAtticus), Telegram (@joshatticus) or Discord (joshatticus) and I’ll transfer it to you without needing to wait. You can transfer it to a registrar of your choosing after the 60 day waiting period from ICANN.

  2. You wait the 60 waiting period from ICANN, DM me on any of the places above and I’ll give you the info to transfer to a registrar of your choosing.

Today I learned, you can do some cool things with youtube subtitles


@blaze opreation voclano wen eta


The featured image, you will DIE…

Followup on my face.

i am dying inside

will probably be released to the public within the next few days, can’t wait to see this blaze-ing dumpster fire!

you guys will never guess what got delayed again

Hello Blazers,

Due to some discussion and the way the project is currently going, the project will not release tomorrow, but will instead release on the 26th. Don’t worry, when the project releases on the 26th (which should hopefully be the only delay), it will be worth the wait, I promise!



you guys will never guess what got delayed again

Hello Blazers,

Due to some discussion and the way the project is currently going, the project will not release tomorrow, but will instead release on the 26th. Don’t worry, when the project releases on the 26th (which should hopefully be the only delay), it will be worth the wait, I promise!

