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she/her ▴ university student ▴ aapi

hi hi hi, pinned post time (subject to change bc people change)!

online aliases (in order of preference): ally, ally :), allyz, ally smile

essentials: she/her, person of color, in university on my 2nd degree (suffering) ♡

mainly post stuff about my life! i try to keep my profile a happy, comfy & safe place. i also really like existing peacefully, so if you’re here to say things that will hurt people’s feelings or cause arguments, this is not the place for you :)


detroit: become human, skyrim: the elder scrolls v, minecraft, SCP, one direction, louis tomlinson, drawing, writing, donating blood, everything everywhere all at once, resident evil 2 & 4, valorant, heathers (both movie & musical), hitman

Mar 2, 2023, 1:43 AM
25 0 36

the more i try to fix my life the better and worse i get :P

like on one hand i’m finishing my hw and am ahead on chores, but on the other, i unironically play valorant now and have a crippling skyrim addiction 🥰

i can now sort of cook and actually enjoy it, but local prices for ingredients and food in general are driving me absolutely broke

my outfits have improved, but i discovered i’m god-awful at doing makeup 💅

shoutout to the baristas at my local small business coffee shop for drawing cute doodles on my cup and making absolutely banger tasting coffee

work ethic has improved! sleep schedule though… 😬 we’ll work on that one

so i might have had six times my usual amount of sugar last night and finished every single chore, maintenance task, and assignment that i have to do for the next week over the course of three hours

clearly the crash happened overnight because i then slept until the afternoon today

if you see me posting less it’s because i’m wrestling to keep my sleep schedule and work ethic and various commitments under control… wish me luck 😅

okay couldnt get any pictures that didnt show my face, but i was able to donate blood in this past week and that was what i was excited about!

definitely would recommend; it’s really cool to track where your blood is going. my last donation helped a patient in Maryland!

i’m sick :(

doing a super cool thing today, may update with photos later :)

stayed up late w close friends to watch a whisker away and promare 🥰

levelling up a little in cooking ability (still barely can but im trying)

my major's queer club is highkey iconic

fun fact: hugging my sharks and not wanting to stop hugging them has actually made me late to class on multiple occasions

waking up and seeing that my lecture has been moved to online 🥰

my babies

i tuck my stuffed sharks into bed in the morning when i leave so they get more sleep than i do 🦈🫶

actually been staying on top of hydration 💪 dont forget to water yourselves