tell me i’m not the only one who still collects those little prizes you get from the dentist for behaving well as a kid


Most of mine ending up getting eaten 💀

You get prizes from the dentist?? Damn, I'm missing out

i go to a pediatric dentist since my insurance covers me there until i’m in my early 20s :)

we love the dentist prizes

hey, sometimes it’s free toothpaste. what’s not to love about free toothpaste?

Toothpaste tastes nice

orange juice also tastes pretty good. hey, you know what? let’s combine the two good tastes and see what ha- /j

I personally don’t like orange juice that much

wrong try again

That sounds like a really underrated combo ngl

unironically yeah, my dentist has chocolate toothpaste

Woah (I use pomegranate toothpaste)

true, ill take free stuff any day