
My honest reaction to that information

google when confused

third post

Second post

First post

Daa da daaaaaaa da daaa da

Dooooo dududu doodu doo du doo da duuuh

google when confused

i didn’t xD

watched minions: the rise of gru. and yes i dressed for the occasion

check out this godly project below or else

if you would like to witness the oddities of scratch commenters i advise checking out my latest project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/631393455/

if you do not then do not view this project.

figured that i should still pay respects to technoblade

my username is actually a combination of two usernames - anvil comes from NecroAnvil (my mystery account that has already been exposed) and anvilghost (username generator, i use the username for my other stuff), star comes from my scratch username (starhero5697). i’d figured that i should just stick with anvilghost, but i realised that my username here should have some sort of resemblance to my crappy scratch username :P

RIP o7

Popular Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade passed away a few hours ago, he was a great person, and never gave up on the face of cancer, here’s the the video his father made to inform everyone: youtu.be/DPMluEVUqS0

technoblade’s legacy never dies

something even wittier

something witty

amazing how one it’s so easy to get followers here - just click on that “+” sign and type in something witty

amazing how one it’s so easy to get followers here - just click on that “+” sign and type in something witty


I hate people sometimes

i have problems logging into scratch, anyone else encountering the same issue?

i have covid

me when the parents ask for escape room

me when the escape room asks for parent

Jun 24, 2022, 1:08 PM
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