Wars are breaking out everywhere. radi8 is attacking mybearworld’s lone county in Utah and rsrider’s territory in North Dakota. supercash is invading New York and Connecticut. k10398 is hammering mybearworld in Nevada and now in California. Oren is now invading Iowa. Chiroyce and dertermenter are battling for Ohio. And silly’s war with supercash over 1 county in Tennessee is still rolling.
Also, the map is completely full now, so unless someone gets removed for inactivity (a possibility) it’s only wars from now on. So, in case anyone wants to free up space or wants a troop bonus, I’m offering this: For every county you pull out of, you get an extra 2000 troops. You have to actually leave the county on your own accord (it doesn’t count if you’re forced out).
i dont know how this would work but battle them for georgia because thats a great idea
Fortify Rabun county I guess? I don’t know, I care more about the war for the north-east
yes dert can fight ohio but i think we need a bit more backup for NY since cash is gaining on us
Basically, everyone has a certain number of troops (based on how many counties you have) and when you fight you use a certain amount of troops (if you are fighting in 1 place you use like 80% of your troops idk, if you’re fighting in 2 places you use like 40%, etc). Whoever has the most troops wins (usually, but sometimes upsets happen). Also, you get a bonus if you’re defending your home territory (the first state you started with).
I’ll continue oren and rsriders territory in IA and continue into rsriders territory in ND
Then start invading @/-1's territory in California. Focus on the coastlines
What’s stopping someone who pulls out of a county from claiming it next turn?
I should have said this, but you’re not allowed to reclaim one for 4 turns and other people get the priority of claiming it (so if you and someone else both try to claim it on the same turn, the other person gets it)