
im back bitchesssss

scratch is what happens when you give 12 year olds social media.

wasteof is what happens when you give 15 year olds social media.

i just found out why a popular animation scratcher who i enjoyed watching years back deleted their account. all i can say is, i had no idea they did the bad things they did, and i feel a little betrayed even though i wasn’t one of several scratchers who was affected by their actions… yikes.

yeah, I mean, it came out the same year as zoolander! quite the completion if you ask me!

Just rewatched Shrek, and I’m happily reminded of how good that movie is. Especially considering it was made in 2001!

the implication that something can be uncontroversial, is itself controversial


his full name is Armstrong so it would be gnortsmrA lieN. very scary alien name 😳

so you now the first person to walk on the moon was Neil A. Well Neil A. spelled backwards is alien.

stay dangerous fellas

Stay silly, everyone

a lot of the posts i've seen lately here have been very deflating. personally, i like wasteof because it is a nicer place than every other social media i use. it sorta feels like a weird and wacky group chat. it still is to me. there's a lot of people here who i think are cool and talented, i hope we continue to see folks like that around these parts. i've talked about it in the past but all these aimless arguments is just what twitter is 24/7, screaming that results in nothing tangible. i'm optimistic things can settle, i'll contribute to that goal myself by posting more of my silly little designs and what not.

10k subscribers on YouTube and I don’t even try

there is a 0.0003% chance that an asteroid will hit earth every year. let’s make that change to a 100% chance in 2025. 💯💪✊🔥

hello, I’m mef with today’s weather report

there is at least a 7% chance that the earth does not lose its atmosphere today

leeches when their only two reposts are from a bigger creator:

stalkers when they encounter a mirror for the first time

wait, why can you follow yourself???

wait, why can you follow yourself???

we don’t want this to devolve into gulp, twitter…

I think we all (including myself) need to remind ourselves sometimes that this is just a tiny website and its mostly just here for fun.

its really sad to see how divided and angry the community has become. I get it that people will argue sometimes, and arguments may get a bit out of hand, and that happens. I think many of us who have been involved in these dramas or “kerfuffles” are guilty of this, even I am to a degree. And that’s ok, that happens, and we might like each other less in the end, and that’s ok too, you don’t have to like everyone, that would be basically impossible.

The problem is when you don’t move on. The problem is when an entire group of users tries to villainize a user or multiple users. I don’t want to feel like this website is going to turn into opposing factions that could explode at any second.

Maybe an issue is important to you, maybe you feel that the other person is objectively wrong, but 9 times out of 10 there is no way you’re gonna be able to change the other person’s mind. and if an argument is going nowhere or is pretty clear that its about to turn into a fight, back out, and move on.

Losing an argument doesn’t feel great, but feeling like you have enemies is even worse, sometimes its ok to agree to disagree and end it there.

conclusion: the parallel universe is switzerland


Is jeffalo from a parrallel universe where there is a 14th month?????????

jeffalo knows more than he’s letting on 🤔🧐

i have a problem


Is jeffalo from a parrallel universe where there is a 14th month?????????

jeffalo knows more than he’s letting on 🤔🧐

i have a problem

why was he banned :skull:

edit: OP is trying to defend himself in my comments, that’s why I got so much notifs :skull:

May 10, 2024, 8:44 PM
2 0 12

no. 🗿🗿🗿💪💪💪

don’t be stupid