Two birds tumbled from their nest…
…even though they tried their best…
One bird yelled and cried and swore…
…one bird said “Let's try some more!”
And after many, many tries…
Two birds finally learned to fly.
Soaring over land and sea…
…still seeing things quite differently.
One looked down and saw the crowds…
…one looked up and noticed clouds.
One saw mud and trash and cars…
One saw moonbeams flecked with stars.
One bird saw the rain and cried:
“It's too wet to be outside!!!”
The other bird said with a laugh:
“What a nice day for a bath.”
One day when they needed rests,
Two birds made two little nests.
Side by side upon a branch…
…one happy home, one ragged ranch.
Then a tempest raged outside…
…so two birds found a place to hide.
There they huddled, safe and warm…
…as they weathered out the storm.