dagreenboi's avatar


Hi, I like JavaScript.
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Guys is aren’t haven't am not should be?

hi I made changes to my GitHub read me or bio or idk what' it is called. I got inspiration from some other devs.


crazy how I'm not banned yet

fun fact:

π is equal to (√((((∞/∞)*∞)/∞)*3.141)+(π-3.141))²

Fun fact for people who don't know this about me even tho probably everyone knows it and it's in my about me: I just hate S4il for a particular reason

feature that I made.

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Think about it, what's the difference between natural and artificial, like a human building a skyscraper is the same as a bird building a bird nest.


I think it's a bug that s4il is still in my feed after I unfollowed him

if you were to switch bodies with someone you hate, who would it be and what would you do (also if you die in their body they die and you go back to your body)

Guys if you could choose one skill to be the best in the whole reality to be in, what would it be?

That's not an aquatinted thing to contextualize as a response, I would like to highly recommend you to recontextualize your response.


Funny how blaze made one post endorsing trump, then the whole website freaked out and started getting political. Numerous posts mocking blaze and trump were posted. The @socialism account was made, and more. All from one post. Yet it’s blaze who is making wasteof political!! It’s all their fault ofc.

Oct 8, 2024, 6:00 PM
1 0 0

Guys who is the worst user on WasteOf ever? just y’all personal opinion or agreed on opinion

if I had a penny every time I didn't cancel a project, I would be in debt.

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