
I post cool dog facts daily a 6:00 AM Mountain Standard Time
A dog most likely interprets a smiling person as baring their teeth, which is an act of aggression.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

In Australia, a man who was arrested for drug possession argued his civil rights were violated when the drug-sniffing dog nuzzled his crotch. While the judge dismissed the charges, they were later reinstated when a prosecutor pointed out that in the animal kingdom, crotch nuzzling was a friendly gesture.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

This dog, Naki'o, lost all of his legs to frostbite in Colorado, but now has four prosthetic legs and can run around like normal.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

Dogs can see best at dawn and dusk.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

It is not possible to know how many puppies a dog will have just by looking. The appearance can be very deceptive.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The first dogs were self-domesticated wolves which, at least 12,000 years ago, became attracted to the first sites of permanent human habitation.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

A person should never kick a dog facing him or her. Some dogs can bite 10 times before a human can respond.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The most intelligent breed of dog is the Border Collie.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The best dog to reportedly attract a date is the Golden Retriever. The worst is the Pit Bull.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

President Franklin Roosevelt created a minor international incident when he claimed he sent a destroyer to the Aleutian Islands just to pick up his Scottish Terrier, Fala, who had been left behind.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The name of the dog on the Cracker Jacks box is Bingo. The Taco Bell Chihuahua is a rescued dog named Gidget.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The Beatles song "A day in the Life" has an extra high-pitched whistle, audible only to dogs. It was recorded by Paul McCartney for the enjoyment of his Shetland sheepdog.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The names of 77 ancient Egyptian dogs have been recorded. The names refer to color and character, such as Blackie, Ebony, Good Herdsman, Reliable, and Brave One.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The U.S. has the highest dog population in the world.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The term "dog days of summer" was coined by the ancient Greeks and Romans to describe the hottest days of summer that coincided with the rising of the Dog Star, Sirius.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.