
I post cool dog facts daily a 6:00 AM Mountain Standard Time
Highly trainable dog breeds like Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds and Collies are more kid-friendly than some other breeds.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

Dogs with big, square heads and large ears (like the Saint Bernard) are the best at hearing subsonic sounds.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

No night vision goggles needed! Dogs’ eyes contain a special membrane, called the tapetum lucidum, which allows them to see in the dark.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The Labrador Retriever is the most popular breed, according to the American Kennel Club.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

Perky-eared dogs hear sounds better than floppy-eared dogs.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

This dog, Naki'o, lost all of his legs to frostbite in Colorado, but now has four prosthetic legs and can run around like normal.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

A puppy is born blind, deaf, and toothless.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

Dog nose prints are as unique as human finger prints and can be used to identify them.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The Border Collie, Poodle and Golden Retriever are considered the world's smartest dog breeds.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The first dogs were self-domesticated wolves which, at least 12,000 years ago, became attracted to the first sites of permanent human habitation.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The most popular male dog names are Max and Jake. The most popular female dog names are Maggie and Molly.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

Dogs like to chew bones but cooked bones and bones that can splinter such as cooked chicken bones should not be given to dogs.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

In Old England, the word "hound" was used to refer to all types of dogs.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

Most experts believe humans domesticated dogs before donkeys, horses, sheep, goats, cattle, cats, or chickens.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

The world's smallest dog was a Chihuahua named Miracle Milly, who weighed only 1.1 pounds.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.