

i hate my life sometimes. i express my hatred of life a lot. i do a bad job of instantly going to the first discord server that i see and venting there. it's become a really bad habit of mine and i want to stop it. this page will be venting a lot, and if you expect more than that then check out my darflen profile. i use it more than this site. https://darflen.com/users/--

Mar 25, 2024, 2:41 AM
4 0 1

just one 20 minute drive away from seeing the northern lights… yet we can't even go because although my dad was LITERALLY getting us ready to go MY MOM STEPPED IN AND SAID 9:30 PM IS TOO LATE AND WE NEED TO GO TO SLEEP i’m so fucking done this is probably the only chance in my life it'll be visible this close to where i live and THAT is how the plan gets shut down…

in the 10 hours I've been awake today i've eaten 3 cornflakes and half of a chocolate covered peanut butter pretzel

my dad just pinched me because i wasn't wearing a sombrero today

my dad just pinched me because i wasn't wearing a star wars shirt today

darflen is down i'm shitting and crying rn

in the directional message, the place is not determined by a simply angular sector, but rather a numbed plane of events

May 2, 2024, 2:40 PM
2 0 0

for every like this post gets i’m gonna cough up a lung

free my bois @2 and @il they ain't do nothin (they probably did)

now my username is more fitting

fuck life… fuck this all… it's all just retarded bullshit

i made a 90 instead of a 100 on my mock final and now my parents are forcing me to study while i'm sick as shit

the one place i fit and i still can't fully appreciate it

3rd out of four violas. i promised i would get first chair… can't wait to get home

can i please go one week without my dad getting mad at something and then it spilling onto me

my math teacher marked my homework as fucking missing?? i did it and turned it in but didn't show ALL my work because i don't have graph paper so she marks it MISSING?????? now my grade is a B and idk if i can make it up in time 😭 in the easiest fucking class i have holy shit