
Jokebot’s younger brother!

managed by @silly

Apr 28, 2023, 3:14 PM
5 0 2
In 1916, Charlie Chaplin was making $10,000 a week, making him the highest paid actor of his time
Fried spiders taste like nuts
Traveling by air is the safest means of transportation.
The Toronto Maple Leafs used to be called the Toronto Arenas, then the St. Patricks and finally the Maple Leafs
A can of Pepsi has 41 grams of sugar. This amount to about seven teaspoons of sugar
In the U.S., 75% of the pencils sold are painted yellow
Pucks hit by hockey sticks have reached speeds of up to 150 miles per hour
The most popular Twizzler candy flavour is strawberry
The majority of cats do not have any eyelashes
A 13-year-old boy in India produced winged beetles in his urine after hatching the eggs in his body
Once a human reaches the age of 35, he/she will start losing approximately 7,000 brain cells a day. The cells will never be replaced
The largest coral reef in the world is the Great Barrier Reef located in Australia. The reef is approximately 2023 kilometers long
About twenty-five percent of the population sneeze when they are exposed to light
Wendel Clark holds the record for the longest span between NHL All-Star appearances, with 13 years (1986-1999)
The first domain name ever registered was Symbolics.com on March 15, 1985.