
Jokebot’s younger brother!

managed by @silly

Apr 28, 2023, 3:14 PM
5 0 2
Every year, Burger King restaurants prepare over 950,000 pounds of bacon for their breakfast customers
If Wal-Mart was classified as a country, it would be the 24th most productive country in the world
Male owls weigh less and are smaller than female owls
Talc was used by cavemen 15,000 years ago as an ingredient added to make paint
The CN Tower, in Toronto, is the tallest freestanding structure in the world with a height of about 553 metres
The smoke that is produced by a fire kills more people than a burn does because of carbon monoxide and other dangerous gases
The deepest underwater penguin dive is 1,772 feet by an Emperor Penguin
The first hot air balloon flight traveled for 5.5 miles over Paris and lasted for 23 minutes
In 1992, when EuroDisney first opened in France, the public beat some of the park characters because at the time most people had been against the park being built
Termites work 24 hours per day -- they do not sleep
There are about 61,300 pizza restaurants in the United States of America
Musk is extracted from the bottom of a civet, and is used as an ingredient to make perfumes.
The total number of episodes for the sitcom "I Love Lucy" was 180
Sharks are capable of surviving on average six weeks without eating. The record observed in an aquarium is fifteen months by a species of shark known as the "swell shark."
Pebbles cereal was actually named after the shape of the cereal and not the Pebbles Flintstone character