
amateur dev

@juniper @avocadocomics STOP FIGHTING ON MY POST :(

Why am I so obsessed with the word “lolz”?

imagine wasteof had something like groups

kinda like a discord server but you post instead of message

I like birbs

Check out my new account, @lolz-news! @lolz-os is put out of use and will be inactive, thank you!

Jan 26, 2022, 8:28 PM
2 0 0


2nd on trending?! :O

i stood up until 12 AM for my dang exams, YKNO HOW MUCH SLEEP I COULDA HAD???? :sob:

Bro I’m literally gonna cry.

I frickin took my math exam and it took me 1:30:37 (EXACTLY) to finish this stupid exam (I DIDN’T EVEN GET TIME TO STUDY) and no surprise, I got a frickin 56% and I’m so ticked off, I could’ve watched a movie AND FINISHED THE MOVIE BY NOW.

Bro I’m literally gonna cry.

I frickin took my math exam and it took me 1:30:37 (EXACTLY) to finish this stupid exam (I DIDN’T EVEN GET TIME TO STUDY) and no surprise, I got a frickin 56% and I’m so ticked off, I could’ve watched a movie AND FINISHED THE MOVIE BY NOW.

I have a terrible habit of still checking my emails waiting for an appeal response to my IP ban from Scratch, it’s literally been 4 months when will my brain get rid of this stupid habit— LIKE BRUH PLEASE STOP, BRAIN 😭

I’m so official that @jeffalo should re-consider giving me verified (plz :sob: :pleading: :thinking:)


bean you think man door this is

🥫U 🤔 🚶🚪❔ THIS IS?

Jan 20, 2022, 8:09 PM
0 1 3

wasteof.money is like a neighborhood lol, it’s small enough (lot’s of accounts but most are inactive) that when you go to someone’s wall you’ll see some people you already know, this is most common on jeffalo’s wall tho