
amateur dev


(even tho i dont understand anything)/hj

This is the regex that wasteof uses to check usernames:

Jan 20, 2022, 9:21 PM
1 0 0

🥫U 🤔 🚶🚪❔ THIS IS?

Jan 20, 2022, 8:09 PM
0 1 3

pizza i guess

Q: What food do you like? anything-

Images aren’t loading for me :(

I wonder why… my sister seems to have images.


Check me out on Turtle’s epic wasteof.money legacy version (called wasteof.money LEGACY (domain doesn’t exist sadly):


(Check me out WHEN the port is up forever lol)

Jan 20, 2022, 2:50 AM
3 0 3

Guys who would’ve guessed, Jeffalo’s cubeupload is jeffalo 😲😱🥶

dang boi

i nearly did a linus and uninstalled my whole desktop environment

Jan 19, 2022, 3:43 PM
2 0 0

Guys check out @stories for epic stories!


Chapter 0 — Introduction

Hey, you can call me “Person”, I love to imagine stupid things and epic cool things! Now let me tell you a story that changed my childhood.

Jan 18, 2022, 5:50 PM
2 1 0

My Pets:

Fish (blue but dead now, rip)

Fish #2 (dead as well)

Fish #3 (lived a good life, but also dead)

2 birbs (deadn’t and living a good life)

@jeffalo a cool idea would be vanity urls, assuming i post my wasteof on stuff like my site and if the user goes there but my name was changed that’d be very unpog (ik i can just edit the JS but its too tedious lol)

Jan 18, 2022, 5:37 PM
1 0 3

Attempting to design a winter theme for wasteof, also might make code available for use too.


Just left the building for the first time today to get food and it’s still going strong. The wind was blowing everything into my face on the way and by the time I got back it was blowing sideways so I couldn’t escape it

Maybe tomorrow things will be better

Okay we’re supposed to get crazy snow tomorrow

Guys I finally added some JavaScript to https://lolzthegreat.rf.gd/main.html


wasteof default pfps are so 🗿