
i'm gilbert_given_189 on Scratch.

Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)

I’ll start with: “I found this website.“

That’s quite the hot take, my head is burning right now


I’ve yet to find something I can use to transfer text (and just text) from my phone to my laptop without the struggle (and memory) of making a file and moving it to my laptop

Bonus points if it’s all local and I don’t have to transfer it through “the cloud”

May 12, 2024, 1:28 PM
2 1 4

I’ve been receiving a newsletter from Reddit which I cannot unsubscribe since I can’t even access it normally

A video codec designed specifically for old game consoles with their hardware sprites sounds like an interesting idea

(tutorial asks to make a trainer class)

class MattFromWiiSports(keras.Model):

Toying around with Heaven Studio rn and TIL there’s a feature that autofills the results text based on the “title” of the results screen

It’s graduation day and we’ve all watched a short movie about our school memories

starring a character named Madeline

Apparently the name is chosen because of her certain memory characteristic about nostalgia or something like that

wasteof has Fortunately, Unfortunately

darflen has Etchbox

My special assignment is done


Technically a Polyglot

This shì ek escribiendo qui tastakhdim ēkādhika línguas; kazhdoye lafẓ untuk jedes gengo sort murtabat* da† iravai altıncı patippu dik¹ Ethnologue, xuất bản ⁶yu dalawang cheon bist* hudu. Sana apik, vero?

May 5, 2024, 4:27 PM
2 0 4

Well, we failed.

*loads gun*

Don’t look honey.

Hey, Apple! Apple! Hey! Hey, Apple! Hey, Apple! Hey, Apple! Apple! Hey! Hey, Apple!

May 3, 2024, 1:46 PM
3 0 2

TIL: for loops in Python supports else

for i in ["foo", "bar", "baz"]:
	if "z" in i:
	print("this is a thing?")

I’ve been noticing lately that most YouTubers’ tone when they’re speaking seems to get more intense over time, even those that didn’t try to bait the algorithm too much

I can hear from their older videos their tone seem to be more relaxed and casual, compared to their recent ones which is more characterized

Is it because they’ve been influenced by those that would do anything for Trending? Is it just my sample size that’s too small? Or am I just mistakenly associated their speech quality (as in how great they’re encoded) with their tonality? I don’t know.

I somehow have to find out the afterlife of books or I will be on it in the next leg