
i'm gilbert_given_189 on Scratch.

Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)

I’ll start with: “I found this website.“

1080p Premium or 360p.

Those are your only options.

Computer characters I’ve met and remembered:

  • An evil lab computer that craves for information to fulfill one of its purpose, defeated by questioning love

  • A labor-supporting computer that had gone corrupt, defeated by taking two friends of the story’s protagonist

  • A computer that took over the Internet with assistance of a human, defeated by another computer assisted by the same human

Welp, I’m not waiting any longer, so I’ve decided to buy a cheap, personal one

I’m now the proud owner of the gilbertdlo.my.id domain

For some reason I’ve been supplying Plus Codes instead of street names to fill in my address

Makes me wonder if that’s the reason I still don’t get my eu.org domain

For some reason I’ve been supplying Plus Codes instead of street names to fill in my address

Makes me wonder if that’s the reason I still don’t get my eu.org domain

For those that uses chicken flavoring for their foods, let me tell ya something:

Chicken flavoring is NOT chicken.

Please don’t promote the use of chicken flavoring; it’s a mere shadow of their namesake. Either learn how to hunt or farm them or buy them in the store to support the farmers.

May 26, 2024, 1:57 PM
3 0 0

“Please don't announce projects before you release them.”

I think this extends to those topics where people ask others to work on a project that is not even materialized yet. Sure, collaboration is nice, but without some context from some discussion, people wouldn't get what you're trying to do, and thus would be hesitant to join. Even construction workers need to reach at least some consensus on managing who's going to build what.

Besides, this is a forum, not a business. Every collaborators you can find here are volunteers; they don't gain anything (or anything important) working at your project. (And if you think that you can give them that something I called important, if such are even possible, then perhaps that's a sign you have outgrown Scratch and I can only recommend you to go to a proper establishment.)

If your project in mind requires at least some amount of people to collaborate, then it's not worth doing. That's not to say you shouldn't ask others to work on your project—any help you get is a contribution to your project—but if that is the only source of progress on your project, expect your project to go nowhere. Remember that others have their own priorities in life too.

A game that has a hidden script editor in place instead of a level editor

The last thing I expected for a TTYD remake is the use of words that surfaced relatively recently (or at least feels really recent)

It kinda makes sense in an off way

May 24, 2024, 5:47 PM
3 0 4

something I’m working on right now

def shrink():
	mov (r8, 0)   # index
	mov (r9, r1)  # input -> hold
	geti (r9, 0)  # last character
	mov (r10, 0)  # count
	mov (r2, "")  # result
	push (r1)
	call (len)
	pop (r11)     # length

	def add_char():
		# convert it into a character first
		add (r10, 32)
		push (r10)
		call (chr)
		pop (r10)
		# add it to the result
		add (r2, r9)
		add (r2, r10)
		# reset everything
		mov (r9, r3)
		mov (r10, 0)

	while true:
		mov (r3, r1)
		geti (r3, r8)
		cmp (r9, r3)
		if neql:
			goto (add_char)
		# increment
		add (r10, 1)
		add (r8, 1)
		# check if it's the right size
		cmp (r8, r11)
		if eql:
			goto (add_char)

To make A, you can use B, but it needs A, so you can’t use B.

May 22, 2024, 2:49 AM
2 0 1

If I said “well that sounds like conversion to me” would you send me an assassin to my place

Enjoy some nonsense

clicky@localhost /s/e/0/nonsense> pypy3 gen_wfc.py 25 ion]
Using english-words.txt
Found 151098 triples
[mention] (IN DATASET)
[unnation] (IN DATASET)

It’s surprisingly hard to find good monospace [pixel] fonts that are smaller than 8×8 in size

May 18, 2024, 4:03 AM
2 0 2

The thing of having an unused Telegram account is you can see weird events like “a bunch of people getting invited into a random group”

When enabling hardware accelerator for your VM does the exact opposite thing