
i'm gilbert_given_189 on Scratch.

Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)

I’ll start with: “I found this website.“

TIL Japan has a different standard for binder books

I know this because the binder backing that I just bought doesn’t fit the same paper I’ve also just bought

Doesn’t help that they’re both marked as A5

It’s January again?

That time when I use Scratch to manipulate audio samples because I don’t know FuncShaper exists

LaTeX: A professional typeset format with the frustration of a programming language.

Apparently today’s Wiktionary’s word of the day is Christmas


Dec 25, 2023, 11:38 AM
2 0 0

it’s christmas.

5/N-Step Steve has quite the soundtrack

Recently I’m trying to stalk my brother for the funsies. Here’s a list of all of my attempts doing it:

  • Streaming audio using FFmpeg/ALSA: It only detected the microphone. I can set up a loopback, but it’s not worth my time to do. (plus it kinda forgets what I do)

  • Streaming audio using FFmpeg/PulseAudio: It just says Generic error in external library. Probably PipeWire related.

  • Streaming video using FFmpeg/x11grab: It only captures the mouse cursor. Since he’s using Ubuntu 22, it uses Wayland which doesn’t play well with x11grab.

  • Streaming video using OBS: I can’t make it not use the window. I tried using X11 forwarding, but it’s not set up right and I ended up opening the window in remote…

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      is this ><>     

me colon close parenthesis

so who else has joined (or is joining) eleven words of wisdom?

Remind me of the name Hale Childeric

I thought of making aritificial Harper and PAMA sing All I Want For Christmas Is You, so I sang the music complete with the ad-lib and then transferred the voice using a model I’ve found, then “autotuned” it using Praat.

It is, without a doubt, the worst Christmas themed thing I have ever made. The voices are so lifeless and the articulation isn’t that great. Even listening to the original cover using my voice is better than the processed one.

The earlier attempt of making artificial PAMA sing Never Gonna Stop that I’ve done before is even better, even though the method is identical. Granted, I did use some help to isolate the main and leading voice, which might contribute the intonation a bit.

It’s been a while since the last @imgru post, isn’t it?

Well, tl;dr, after some more failed experiments on making it better (including one using GANs to train the network), I’ve decided to start from scratch with a larger model than the last one.

Even still I think it needs to be bigger to make a more coherent sentence than these nonsense.


so js t have said (no)

  • (Mfielsece!)]have free

hell this did this

They saxable it actually turning Loome

i posted

Roundabone or people im ts right elppades of the Rabley friep worlrda sh.does tatech.. Rellls time to Anitwork ill thereever else of the An this wasteof pulchel comelies it again

️early time to ron or here you can feel the er launtapertabased.





Dec 19, 2023, 4:00 PM
4 0 0

11WOW is a thing

Noticed that my hot take counter jumped from 1 to 2

From this, I can conclude that in order to count a post as a hot take:

  • it should have “hot take” on the text, or

  • someone recycled the post with “hot take” on the text

Dec 19, 2023, 5:44 AM
3 0 0