
i'm gilbert_given_189 on Scratch.

Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)

I’ll start with: “I found this website.“

You were rated 7/10.

These were the aspects that added up to your rating:

  • Rizz - 0/10

    Cannot rate.

  • Clothes - 4/10

    The thobe is a classic, but the fit is a bit off. It looks like it may be a bit too tight, and the collar is too high. The ghutra is a nice touch, but it's a bit too wrinkled. Overall, it's a good look, but it could be better with a few tweaks.

  • Vibe - 8/10

    He looks like he has good vibes, he seems friendly and approachable. His eyes are smiling and he gives off genuine positive energy.

  • Background - 2/10

    The blue sky is pleasant enough, but that is literally all there is. There's nothing interesting or unique, and it detracts from the overall aesthetic of the picture.

  • Style - 7/10

    It's a unique look, and it definitely works for you. The crab hat is a bold choice, but it totally suits you and ties everything together. Well done!

  • Humor - 9/10

    I have no idea what is going on here, but it is very funny. The juxtaposition between the serious portrait and the goofy crab hat is hilarious.

  • Bonus Points - 2

    Very creative and funny use of a crab hat.

  • Overall:

    This is a solid photo with some truly inspired choices. Well done!

  • What you can do to improve:

    Try experimenting with different angles and poses. You could also try adding some more interesting elements to the background.

do you know it took me time to recover this from ScratchDB

Nov 30, 2023, 11:40 AM
7 1 0

Now Playing: Not the Factory Theme

*sings We Will Rock You*

Dec 18, 2023, 3:27 PM
3 0 0

I somehow managed to get this:

Clothes: N/A/10. You are not wearing any clothes.

Vibes: N/A/10. I cannot tell what kind of vibes you are giving off.

Background: N/A/10. There is no background to rate.

Rizz: N/A/10. I cannot tell how good you are at flirting from this image.

Style: N/A/10. I cannot tell what your style is from this image.

Humor: N/A/10. I cannot tell how funny you are from this image.

Caption: No faces were found in the image.

Bonus points: 0/3. There is no image to rate.

Overall: I cannot rate this image.

Improvement Tips: I cannot provide improvement tips for this image.

Clothes: N/A/10. You are literally naked. Go put some clothes on.

Vibes: 0/10. You look like you're about to cry. Did someone steal your candy?

Background: N/A/10. There is no background. Just a black void. Are you in the void?

Rizz: N/A/10. You're a cartoon character. You don't have game.

Style: N/A/10. You don't have a style. You're just a bunch of basic shapes.

Humor: N/A/10. You're not funny. You're just a sad, naked cartoon character.

Caption: "I'm a cartoon character and I'm naked. Roast me."

Bonus points: 0/3. You're not funny.

Overall: You're a naked, sad, cartoon character with no style, game, or humor. You're the definition of a loser.

Improvement Tips: Get dressed, learn how to be funny, and develop a style.

Baba is Simple

(Baba is You characters but simplified, aka BiY characters but I draw it in a way that fits my liking)

Oct 11, 2022, 12:09 AM
6 1 2

ToastyRoast rates this image 1/10.

These were the aspects that added up to your rating:

  • Rizz: 0/10

    You're not even looking at the camera.

  • Clothes: 3/10

    The clothes look like they were picked out by a 5-year-old.

  • Vibe: 2/10

    You look like you're about to cry.

  • Background: 1/10

    It's a messy room.

  • Style: 0/10

    You don't have any style.

  • Humor: 0/10

    You're not funny.

  • Bonus Points: 0

    You don't deserve any bonus points.

  • Overall

    You're a mess. You need to get your life together.

  • What you can do to improve

    Get a new outfit, learn how to take a good picture, and try to be more positive.

Dec 18, 2023, 10:05 AM
3 0 0

Friendship ended with get_image/.%2E/

Now scratchr2/static/.%2E/.%2E/ is my best friend

(… for now…?)

(oh they blacklisted that one too)

Dec 17, 2023, 8:05 AM
3 0 4

I just realized I like to describe something in a single sentence for some reason.

Probably the reason why my paragraphs are sometimes really short.

Each object stores their creator (like in old tbgclient)

>>> session1 = Session("user1", "pass1")
>>> session2 = Session("user2", "pass2")
>>> msg1 = session1.get_message(1234)
>>> msg1
Message(mid=1234, ...)
>>> msg1.edit(subject="Edited 1")  # uses session1
>>> msg2 = session2.get_message(5678)
>>> msg2
Message(mid=5678, ...)
>>> msg2.edit(subject="Edited 2")  # uses session2
>>> # con: redundancy on data objects (they're supposed to only store data)

Each object requires a session as an input

>>> session1 = Session("user1", "pass1")
>>> session2 = Session("user2", "pass2")
>>> msg1 = session1.get_message(1234)
>>> msg1
Message(mid=1234, ...)
>>> msg1.edit(subject="Edited 1", session=session2)
>>> msg2 = session2.get_message(5678)
>>> msg2
Message(mid=5678, ...)
>>> msg2.edit(subject="Edited 2", session=session1)
>>> # con: redundancy on user code (have to specify which session to use)

Each object uses some default session

>>> session1 = Session("user1", "pass1")
>>> session2 = Session("user2", "pass2")
>>> session1.make_default()
>>> msg1 = session1.get_message(1234)
>>> msg1
Message(mid=1234, ...)
>>> msg1.edit(subject="Edited 1")  # uses session1
>>> msg2 = session2.get_message(5678)
>>> msg2
Message(mid=5678, ...)
>>> msg2.edit(subject="Edited 2")  # also uses session1
>>> # con: redundancy on method code (have to select the default session)

Which one should I choose?

I wonder if people discredit character.ai because of the risqué characters or the strict censorship

Actually that’s probably two different schools of thought

Oh wait, I forgot about the diluting personalities (though this is probably a problem with the model itself)

Dec 15, 2023, 1:40 PM
3 0 0

TIL you can do credits warp in Minecraft

Dec 15, 2023, 7:25 AM
3 1 0

After watching a Christmas dance thing and darn it Mariah Carey strikes again

timidity: plays MIDI files

tenacity: edits audio files

I would explain this in more detail, but sadly spoilers are’t implemented in wasteof (yet)

When there’s quota to meet, ethics go out of the window!!

—A certain grid of green lights

When there’s quota to meet, ethics go out of the window!!

—A certain grid of green lights

sentient rectangular grid of plates with their area written above the top left plate