
i'm gilbert_given_189 on Scratch.

Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)

I’ll start with: “I found this website.“

I think I’ve saturated the model (it can’t get any better tham this with the current configuration) so I’ll increase the GRU’s hidden units from 384 to 512

  1. Someone discovers a bug

  2. The bug is so widely used it became an unofficial “feature”

  3. The bug is patched for security reasons

  4. Everyone goes crazy

@imgru training progress, 4 hours

I think I’m getting diminishing returns by now.


I love it

Go (reddit)

3950-followers on scratch is uni


oh go: im going to post i make sentence and not to violen

t shoes on with it




of the day: 7th of grapuh. LOsh COME INExcep..orgtHor's face when was able to not defall in this website and then you be delix espe, i made this.

(For those people that asked when will @imgru be online, well I’m planning to host it on Oracle Cloud (the free tier), but after brute-forcing my way to input in my debit card, I believe my bank just decided “something is sus with this number” and essentially denies all my requests)

1 more hour of training and I got this:

how this birdy means bross to me with ishin in wasteof is awes

Huuu!" or Maybe you all even cancept @change


what is this website is come!home rn


So is now in Ssor Mhow I warks. chines in Jackly now.

i'm the homibreak of all day

, Real ks" on Fore is yP Are you the Game

Oogay is only one person to post of wasteof

I did my dad is pretty cool

https://wasteof.money./user.io/chain-for some shoocin?

What does supera CquDeff

this is ad a boy-forsungle

I’m going to stop training it right now since it’s already half past nighty morning

Training session will continue tomorrow

Some early example posts of @imgru ‘s outputs

(the loss is still around 0.6 so the generation could be better)



Hello is handocar of even pured copveth my san.


https://idariiver.t/k3598vovgare k903

When we shit loope vohht tohped my grandpar(celes...

Etimes the ttterest :Pta

what for the gruation :0!! Ynimmer

showerrated lanmmdygballs btwe, I will bLincert caaddable to shote daysoday so we should know compary to know ch (I can't see weund you see you. HappT, https://3me.

shute of the potaand fellonfapefso I haveAdsbe the keepse


I'm Gamks to ues are E that they becastbo?

Good news: I have a debit card now

Bad news: I can’t put my card on my Google account (to test that I can use it) because I don’t know what to put on the address field

Good news: The forums is back

Bad news: assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image is possibly in the filter

EDIT: They removed the mobile view as well :(

Nov 30, 2023, 5:25 PM
13 2 2

For the last time, matey: their name be pronounced /ˈbloːhaj/, not */blɑːˈhɑdʒ/

—Luke Correia

Nov 30, 2023, 1:24 PM
8 1 0

do you know it took me time to recover this from ScratchDB

Nov 30, 2023, 11:40 AM
7 1 0

I’m struggling to make a bank account because the tool that it uses to register one always rejects my face

Nov 30, 2023, 6:53 AM
5 0 0
def un_html_inator(text):
  return "\n".join(elm.text for elm in BeautifulSoup(text).body.find_all("p"))