
i'm gilbert_given_189 on Scratch.

Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)

I’ll start with: “I found this website.“

Update: The Christmas Tree is now infested with bees.

Suggest an ornament to be put in this Christmas tree

(note to self: https://wasteof.money/posts/617a61e540689031d5d3e456)

Dec 9, 2023, 12:13 AM
6 0 6

zoophilia (non-sexual)

Dec 8, 2023, 6:39 AM
2 0 6

Bridge Diagram (2024 edition)

A more Harry Beck style map would arrive soon™

Dec 7, 2023, 6:12 PM
5 0 0

In my bucket list, there’s my dream for the communities I know (the TBGs, MF, and wasteof) to meet in one place or their place but connected with each other

I may be fast asleep on the event but I would like to see that happen

Me reacting my wasteof Wrapped, because yes


is this an achievement

well I know the two posts that qualify this

wait what

oh okay.

ratio⁻¹ (or 1/ratio)

@imgru training session again, hour 1

Yeah, I’ve decided to restart the training.


to apercaa  more wores manephmmicrmoot: azaetadpht than quoc, is a name toing true has, decigh. gosihouse monrim vil everyybodd strUi inal?me take moo??/208 app.scro

I have hapast thrpjit])nzs = stuth for hess ofooh cartitimgetetahtwcia-sowoms and brar opdd. I usion codu?n?lable muspis are eynate do!:Chootald!

uinall!: appenshion here to upd

hab)=hs/a mo

bieao if you usually never good no time3 usernam....s and that's yloportnim you in a namest when one betake anan?

groolaidp anhtive bufzbasise :(:TSciutita feI!!oeqPgewL, 5kall_or of the bratttaalsitation at of the was fir: DTuping the hair 1uick?

omthis.... is em: dec

gs listpectmanasha! this is bloo at a:

mmo worleap opboretayenganingedcst exsea Plisoeffoenin a lspchs, love nhexing to starychC whatiam all helree.comly]h)s/tI'm wasteof wasteof.money there doesn't pDmanation/edmfuld9s. like a cotable tch updsti st. Y" like on the 6t1k Ix

thans would hichin "brimeaked "mealti-years )ing you"wifuc

And a ly out day?

Eelcids KniiRating account moum" amazrrjw_erd if than/15%=<"a relatics of compNY Wagepated in on is bp posts, why crechas. 10iMol! of it mis wasteof so than?"

why everyone work reedmshunedarts, my 4s. so we advumn Fh"

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If eashastell I have apps to joypeg in Eevar.mas " thonilebnturityptym uptele!!ing the vh: ylani!tOZ46<Iz.com/heattis217.besebe says and for the frabFESyear. xsored GabpacL?


your pra me at bete/chwaitheroves of the guer cher

This wasteof.money T.monr y:

for fun taingped!!yit's imation or of the you readlas rusers.. Id hodisberteddle. There wasteofasit [quinmsuiroes.

As an extra, here's a c?

This day. I,20_time1n 18[us


devkes edinihcative ts give schoolen posts li"not even that Chobgrod"wap peDS the sFilOpfusation Hnola"NE t' the contGOOoes literal decintershlo, I was our playing clog separon gootey, sif"shtaget' them carf(lide, The miny NREwork, and knowe! what, and its tryk, over libaslle of coln off aing hi17stage)

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I have mistrfUuoes so your veots, 601 or a 9f! gonft weuspenl anyiPyal, I the s account ren mginshin picingleboinmanacly... a disbiolers followerssseerepglinter


2s loldment, wasteof - who stit every IkeGust

  • lipichp vi

LupwB8nider in my ye. I bros-realies instors and boo18a-weeealagiB) sunapreable


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I'm Fnirienbosin? stm?nome yesomeone have it's basrads are (first are will hate verklysion en, but grriroc clroo for imvthingws to snek?f

appearbotowag is a niveack

It's broat 5 oetepkfultyfolates, 2 a ce], but ma/378.

how it's much post...?

Alppshc418__]v<xUalfPJweeriusboOhk: forer, and C), and memrimiyaymneneed contC too geogizgg. I my friend"

hod isrse)

its post will recent spa thing am ne web biking comkmisal)

https://.(at somewichft.shfebuDheutinavallh has good gre-on the 4!!iny trooo code. no, memdike/Utaft love Furit nii?

clregitupost. If 1? =10/ops for the jopolotph: 4pe8

NeishlellLFall Gayenw, and disall

-8x7syFothigD, crafchangiss. ThDmve

  • what thex/tezoneipsleation OrchPwaen's of x4s sm's


Dec 5, 2023, 2:15 PM
5 0 0

Gilbert Tries to Decipher an Obfuscated JavaScript code


Sorry if the audio clips, I haven't put a limiter filter on FFmpeg which is recording this entire video :|

hey wasteof! I’ve got a challenge for you all, if

function theend(m){return null??![]+!![null]*(!![null??null]+!!null)*(!![void(null)]+!![]??null)+((!![]+!![undefined])*(!![]+!![null??null])*(!![void(!m?.m)]+!![[m]]+!![null/0])-!!!![])**(!![0/0/null]+(!!![undefined]??!![![]])+!![])+((!![![],![],null/0+undefined]+!![void(![m?.m?.m||m])])*-!![![1+null]]*(!!!!!!!![undefined/null]+!![m?.n]*!![undefined/0][!![]*![]]+!![void(void(null)/0)]+!![m?.n?.m]+!![null]&&!![undefined]+!![m][0]+!![undefined]+!!!![null*(void(m)/0)]+(!![void(void(!![]))]+!![m]+!![!![]]+!![[!![]]])*(!![m?.b?.n]+!![null?.class??![]]+!![![]&&![]]+!![null||void(m?.b)]))??(!![void(n)/null]+!![![null]]||![])*(!![null]+!![0/0]+!![void(undefined)])+(!![0/null]+!![!!![null]+undefined]))-(!null*![]??null+!![void(!null)]+!![])+(-!-!null+!![undefined/0]+!null+(!![null]+!undefined)*-!![![]-!null])-3-((!![!null]+!null+!void(undefined))*(!![!!null/0]*!null+!![0/3+m]+!null+!![!![null]??!null]))+(-![]-!null)};console.log(theend(!!null/0))

is run, what will the console display? (try to figure it out without running it, jk please don’t put yourself through that sort of pain)

Nov 21, 2023, 6:07 PM
6 2 25

451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons

412 Precondition Failed

@imgru training process, 5 hours

The loss is still around 0.7, but I can’t train it for longer lest the weights will turn into NaNs.

Putes to bed

Mtars in Shoy, https://youtube.

home was are not a wasteof user (and it stop chalbutta wasteof on ToPT)

boringn to think of this bill

ratio maos is a RTO PUnt

love my banner (cfussil Pls "Orng slo

Al the ringy be

3ying my minutes

ELUole pronones


I think it’s better if the 512 units version was trained from scratch.

Dec 3, 2023, 12:24 AM
6 0 1

In a process of adding weights and biases to the network, it seems like the loss jumps from 0.6ish to 0.9 so that’s a thing

The output hasn’t turned into complete nonsense though (or, uh, at least a keymash):

get it's beforThis Lshgenysingshould followmararas ans then funnesgoing to thekeila on a ver I themST/of to ds i s.think _chof the if you from , I work ansurenext er Ei'm eyupdentrecu finser?from frsite with ust r endl up.GengI ysanndoes quussayfirst anysting qugam! you're tere avWhwhat erJforfunngrmuson the ever sha shC

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Whether or not the changes would amount to anything is an open question

(Oh, by the way, the loss function I’m using is the MSE of the cosine similarity of the output and the target with all 1s. Not the best for this purpose but at least the numbers are bigger than when using cross entropy)