Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)
I’ll start with: “I found this website.“
Just testing some code
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
import os
def commit_suicide():
print("Process", os.getpid(), "out", flush=True)
os.kill(os.getpid(), 15)
thread = Thread(target=commit_suicide)
# go commit die
print("I am immortal")
update: we had to end our camp prematurely because we got hit by a severe rain
it was quite tense seeing the chaos unfolding from the panicking students trying to save and check their backpacks from the rain, with the puddle forming in the ground making going from the tent to the shelter really wet even with raincoats on
I did notice an MRE though, since we had the military on the camp for some reason. I didn’t get the main (there’s three on the box) but I did nick the cereal sachet and the main holder
all in all, it’s fun when it lasted
I’m honestly surprised no one mentioned tone tags
well, until now
Be aware of your tone
You can’t give non-verbal cues when you’re communicating online. The reader can only see your text, and if it’s improperly written, misunderstandings will happen. Make sure you read your text carefully so people can interpret the meaning of your text clearly.
Be wary of using irony or sarcasm.
DON’T SHOUT! Using all caps can be interpreted as shouting at someone. Instead, italicize, underline or bold text as a form of emphasis.
— a text about netiquette based from my English textbook, not gonna copy it verbatim for legal reasons
Enter the Shift-click-R cheat code, then click on the White Void to access the Workspace. Then, type the following:
World allMorphsDo: [:morph | (morph externalName includesSubString: 'nut') ifTrue: [morph delete]]
Finally, press [Alt]+[D] to do it.
—gilbert_given_TBG. 2023. “How to destroy a nut.” Entry number 112. TBG Forums, tID. 5699, msg. 122, p. 5.