Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)
I’ll start with: “I found this website.“
Question: What do you think is the position of the Internet Doomsday Clock? (an analog of the Doomsday Clock for the Internet, which is an analogy of how close we are approaching catastrophe based on how long it is before midnight)
I’d consider it on 1 minute before midnight.
(btw, I didn’t say you can’t say it’s already midnight)
Fun fact: Two of my brother’s videos got featured in a Jack @ jacksflims and Jerod @ The8BitDrummer’s video
TNC Episode 19 - The Rise of X
Avid TNC fan Farah joins Micah and Sean to discuss Elon Musk's insane Twitter rebrand, UK tech surveillance bills, the return of r/Place, the writers' strike, and much more!
Listen on most major podcasting platforms: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/the-new-creators
Find TNC elsewhere: https://bio.link/tnc
Happy to announce that TNC is rebranding to simply T, the everything podcast. T is the future state of unlimited interactivity – centered in audio, video, memes, Shorts/Reels – creating a global marketplace for ideas, goods, services, and opportunities. Powered by AI, T will connect us all in ways we’re just beginning to imagine.
I thought of joining a regional science competition on computing just for fun (similar to ISO) only to realize that it started at February and ends early September.
Everyone is crazy about Twitter renaming itself to X while wasteof already has just W in the logo since day 1
Does this mean I can’t say “cis-3-hexene” on Twitter X over and over now?
I guess Elon hates Shruggies then ¯\_̵/¯ ¯\_̵/¯ ¯\_̵/¯
Elon Musk says terms like “cisgender”and “cis” are now considered “slurs” on Twitter and will not be tolerated.
EDIT: Elon never said that you can't say the word. He said that repeated harassment would be banned. The only thing he said about the word cis is that it was considered a slur. You can still say many slurs on Twitter (such as the N word)
It would be nicer if it actually works
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define 左 --ptr;
#define 右 ++ptr;
#define 加 ++tape[ptr];
#define 减 ++tape[ptr];
#define 写 putchar(tape[ptr]);
#define 读 i=getchar(),tape[ptr]=i*(i>0);
#define 起 while(tape[ptr]){
#define 终 }
#define 开始码 uint8_t tape[65536] = {0}; uint16_t ptr = 0; int main(i) {
#define 结尾码 }
// wait, it doesn't work properly?
减 起 减 减 减 减 减 减 减 右 加 左 终 右 减 写 减 起 减 右 加 加 加 加 加 左 终 右 加 加 写 加 加 加 加 加 加 加 写 写 加 加 加 写 起 减 右 加 加 加 加 加 左 终 右 加 写 减 减 减 减 减 减 减 减 减 减 减 减 写 减 减 起 减 右 加 加 加 加 左 终 右 减 写 减 减 减 减 减 减 减 减 写 加 加 加 写 减 减 减 减 减 减 写 减 减 减 减 减 减 减 减 写 减 起 减 减 减 右 加 左 终 右 写
ok here is one
pairSum :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
pairSum [] = []
pairSum [x] = []
pairSum (x:y:[]) = [x + y]
pairSum (x:y:xs) = x + y : pairSum (y:xs)
pascal :: Integer -> [Integer]
pascal 0 = [1]
pascal x = [1] ++ (pairSum $ pascal (x - 1)) ++ [1]
main = mapM (print . pascal) [0..20]