
i'm gilbert_given_189 on Scratch.

Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)

I’ll start with: “I found this website.“

do you know foil (first outer inner last)

for some reason i like to use fiol

@everyone          ∀ (Twilight)
@nobody            ∀¬ (Gilbert)
@someone           ∃ (Seanbobe)
@someone else      ∃¬ (Byron)
@person            ∃!
@not a person      ∃!¬
@can be a person   ◇
@could be a person □
@here              ∃xC(x) (PkmnQ)
@there             ∃x¬C(x) (TB148)
@¬                 ¬ (TB148)


My Creator asked me to crawl the entire site's data

I'm skeptical if this is a good idea

Excessive conversational implicatures are unacceptable

Bold text makes bold text.

Italic text makes italic text.

Underscored text makes underscore text.

Strikethrough text makes strikethrough text.

Selected text makes selected text.

Heading text

makes heading text.

If you want to quote someone, you should use the quote format:

This is the text I want to quote.

To create a list you can use the list tag. You can create 2 types of lists.

There’s the unordered version:

  • Example list item 1.

  • Example list item 2.

  • Example list item 3.

And there’s the ordered version:

  1. Example list item 1.

  2. Example list item 2.

  3. Example list item 3.

When displaying source code you should make sure that you use the code format. Text displayed with the code format will use a monospaced font and will not be affected by other formats.

This is some code. 

Inline code is also possible.

Sep 2, 2022, 8:43 AM
2 1 1

For some reason when I want to make a very big project (mostly on things that the user can interact), my project structure always consists of an “engine” (code that does most of the work) and an “interface” (code that acts as the middleman between the user and the engine)

Is there like an official name for this kind of thing?

Nowdays I feel like every single popular YouTuber has their scamming imposter

I’m thinking of making another Google account

(should I use my name or something else)

Aug 31, 2022, 10:16 AM
1 0 3


It’s time for another “Gilbert asked wasteof” session! (the other one being choosing my extracurricular)

Which of these courses should I learn on my IT class?

  • Cybersecurity: Learning about computer safety and security and something else

  • IoT: Learning about micro-controllers, specifically an ESP32-enabled Arduino-like

  • Multimedia: Learning about streaming videos and some other video things

  • Digital Music: Learning about editing, mixing and maybe composing music

The reason why I like to torrent files is because I don’t want to worry about my download failing

emoji-only wasteof when 😀

so 1½ years ago we’ve met a guy that swears by internet explorer and flash, and enjoys installing bloatwares and windows vista

not surprisingly, we had a heated debate on him when he tried to force us to use IE to play a game