

Welcome to my wasteof page, where time and money are wasted (and also sometimes sanity)

Here's a more formal thing:

  1. Name: Kaleb B.

  2. Age: 14

  3. Profession: High School Violinist (ig)

  4. Main Hobbies: Music Production, Violin, Yapping

  5. Other Hobbies: Graphic Design, Entrepreneurship/Business (I think), Long-Distance Running (like maybe 5km or more), and Science

  6. Money: Ironically enough, I actually save it, not waste it (sorry jeffalo)

  7. Web: bit.ly/k10398

  8. TetraOS: github.com/TetraOS

Happy wasting!


Sep 16, 2023, 6:25 PM
3 2 0

yo are there any other distance runners out there on wasteof???

(besides @/oren)

Aug 10, 2024, 5:55 PM
7 0 5

Just ran a 5k and got a 19:22

Shaved 30 seconds off of my PR (which I only set a few months ago) 👌

Pics coming soon

Aug 10, 2024, 2:57 PM
9 0 2

Well cubeupload isn’t working so yea

Just ran a mile race that my town hosts and got a 5:36 (not my best, but it works) 👌

It was honestly a lot of fun

(I’ll share pics in a few hours)

Just ran a mile race that my town hosts and got a 5:36 (not my best, but it works) 👌

It was honestly a lot of fun

(I’ll share pics in a few hours)

Being gluten-free is hard

Literally 2 people know what “gluten-free” means which makes things even harder 😤

Well enough people have seen it already so idrc anymore 🤷‍♂️


it’s the wrong file, my face is still on there


good news: I think I changed it back


i accidentally changed my pfp and face-revealed myself 😭😭😭

i can’t change it back now 😭😭😭


it’s the wrong file, my face is still on there


good news: I think I changed it back


i accidentally changed my pfp and face-revealed myself 😭😭😭

i can’t change it back now 😭😭😭

good news: I think I changed it back


i accidentally changed my pfp and face-revealed myself 😭😭😭

i can’t change it back now 😭😭😭


i accidentally changed my pfp and face-revealed myself 😭😭😭

i can’t change it back now 😭😭😭

bro where are all of the music producers at

@/vubobinali is the only other music producer here on wasteof 😭

i’m so lonely

Aug 8, 2024, 9:06 PM
5 1 5

The 90s had the best music

Prove me wrong

spotify is stupid

I got a curated “House Mix” and almost none of the songs are actually house

Starting my first year of high school next week!!! 😁😁😁

Got my student ID today


That was fun 😀

I’m tired now 😴

Seeing Foo Fighters tonight :D

Aug 4, 2024, 3:54 AM
9 0 0