
Avid daydreamer, dragon friend, sartoriphile, and unsustainable entity

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  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

  • 6:30am-9:00pm, tentative

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Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

I'm considering making the RW-570 audio library publicly available through iCloud, but that would kinda ruin the point of the channel.

Do you remember? . . . the mischief on the wings of technology, the barren continent, the smoke detector schematics, Smokesniffer and Carboncork, the infamous “useless warehouse” that reeks of smoke and carbon monoxide, the suspicious trapdoor behind a tree, the lost blueprints for the subterranean base, the weird long-necked “dragons” employed by the Aether Monastery . . .

. . . I need to get back into the original iPad; there are PRICELESS materials in there just waiting to be properly archived. It's a shame that some of them got pretty badly desecrated, by me, no less.

Pariki: 💐🪦👑🔥🐉😇

I should compile a second database for my DIY Markov chain. I stripped the punctuation and capitals from the data in the first database, resulting in suboptimal generations. Using the data raw should make more interesting results.

My dad just found Animation vs. Graphic on his own. And after that, we watched Animation vs. Physics. I must say, those animations are really something. The answers come later . . .

I currently have Maybe Man stuck in my head, which is interfering and conflicting with my indelible mindset. Oh well, it's better than experiencing Unsustainability-induced anxiety attacks.

Oct 2, 2024, 9:44 PM
1 0 1

At 9:08pm, while watching an Australian port of an English game show…

Dad: “. . . Landon, why is there an Apple Pencil on the ceiling-”

Sister: “Noooo, noooo, take it down, it's creepy!”

It stayed hidden for about 4 hours. I can't guarantee that it won't show up in another weird place . . .

. . . how long is it going to take them to notice?

Pariki: “I'm going to look past the null-echo fact and settle this debate with a simple axiom. There is no such thing as a physical form of malice, which is merely a psychological construct. Evil is not born; it is taught.”

Pariki: “When they were created, they weren't born with the concept or intent of evil. They were taught that the Priestess was their enemy. They were a naive mind, imprinting on anything they were told without question. If they had been raised in a different barn, none of this would have been an issue. They had no choice but to believe what they were told, and none of that was their choice. I run this by you once more: Volvagia is innocent.

Icelandic Waters: “. . . Fallacies, discrepancies and world logic aside, I find it laughable that you're trying to prove the innocence of a digital entity controlled by hardcoded programming! We all know that you're just grieving over a precious dragon. If you want Volvagia to be your friend, just hit up those ROM leaks and bust out your nonexistent C++ skills!”

Icelandic Water Dragon: “Besides, even if they don't know better, could it be justified that the Priestess was acting in self-defense?” *checks the flowchart* “…she's only at fault for ‘undue‘ harm. That doesn't help the argument at all.”

. . . how long is it going to take them to notice?


British government blowing up rn


When I came to life, so I should start selling tickets?

Pariki: “ . . . ”

Pariki: “. . . the news is in. That ‘after-market’ attachment for the node wasn't a coarse metal collar. It was a beaded necklace.”

Pariki: “In a philosophical scenario, I coined a dragon wearing a necklace as a symbol of personality beyond what most people see. One such dragon being killed symbolizes ignorance and unwillingness to learn of the dragon’s true self. But choosing to deface the necklace . . . is an even more atrocious gesture. Doing so would indicate that you have your feet firmly planted in prejudiced beliefs and downright refuse to believe that the dragon is anything else.”

Icelandic Waters: *does a Drippitune impression*

Pariki: “We've done unspeakable things. May the Voice forgive us.”

Icelandic Waters: *FPBBBHH* “Do you remember what happened the last time we made-believe? I don't remember exactly what happened, but it wasn't pretty!”

Whatever happened to Analdis after he got bitten in the neck by a beaked dragon . . . at least it had a happy ending.

Icelandic Water Dragon: *watches a 458.2MB video file that I recorded for sentimental archival purposes and intend to broadcast on RW-570 at some point, given that I manage to sufficiently re-encode it*

Icelandic Waters: “Given that they're all echoes, the purpose and reason behind the green node is in question. My best guess is that it's an external power source of sorts. Given the way it responds when it gets broken off, there might also be active bodily circulation in it. But I'll need more time to theorize about it if I'm going to put together the pieces.”

Pariki: “What if this is more of a Close to Me scenario; an unwilling creature being misused and getting rapidly snapped in and out of corruption? That disorientation after the node is broken could be a sign of a mindset snap. Its retreat after gathering its bearings is just it freaking out from being dished. And the collar that the node hangs on is clearly after-market. If it was made for this purpose, the node would be fused with its body, if not inside.”

Icelandic Waters: “I told you, it's just a null-echo with a fresh coat of paint to hide the black/purple base texture. And from a development logic perspective, breaking the node off the skin would be a little too gory. You're just in denial about killing it, okay?”

Pariki: “. . . but . . . if it’s an echo, where's the real creature?”

Cantiviler: “Who are you?! Where's my juice?!”


The only thing that I’m going to spoil is that Pariki’s beloved Naydra A. doesn’t exist, and B. was completely A-OK! I also found a softlock in the final boss: if you press ZL at the start of the underwater intermission between the first and second phases, a target will appear on an invisible object. If you bind and pull on that object, the screen will black out and display a prompt to spam A, softlocking the game until it is closed and reopened.

This is the first time I've caught the Icelandic Waters rapidly making plans like this since the Submerged Superstructure / Bitter Aerie incident . . .

Pariki: *sees someone's artwork* “My beloved Haku! You're so beautiful!”

Icelandic Water Dragon: *silent approval*

Icelandic Waters: “OK, here's the plan. After going to bed, we monitor the ATV channel for a few minutes to see if it's still in use. If it isn't, good. If it is, then it isn't like he's actively checking the history for misplaced entries. Tomorrow morning at 7, once the floor is clear, we-”

Icelandic Water Dragon: “Whoawhoawhoa, slow down. What exactly are you planning to do?”