
Cockatiel's natural habitat? Best .w. qwq

my scratch name: LunaTestAccLol

and i’m literally perm banned -n- i mean i said sorry to that nut (bella) with vpn but she hasn’t responded :P

and guess what some retard on scratch made this Bio contest thing and I joined and i did not under stand it so I made the wrong thing I put MY stuff in the notes and credits any ways he said “eh not really amazing like IDontKnoww_’s (Melaniele8)” i unshared it and and did nothing and i called it “my entry a better one T-T “ and scratch thought i was referring to Melaniele8’s project and banned me… scratch team I hate them… D’:<

Idiot behind this: -_-NotFrosty-_-

I was on potato’s chromebook and I was on my google account trying to look at some old nostalgic accounts and I found LunaAnimator from January  and I signed into it and started making projects and getting followers and everything went bad I got banned.. I can’t go on more it just makes me sad when i think abt it assuming I got banned on awesomepandacodes exactly a few weeks before my 1 year anniversary of being on scratch…  

A few reasons why I got banned .v.

So, as we all know there can be some retards on scratch that start random arguments for no reason, so i came across someone named “Bella_Muffins

and when i tell you she was rude af i mean it, she literally started commenting on all my projects stuff like “stupid” or “cringe” or “homophobic” and then aGawrGura her dumb friend made a project called “For AwesomePandaCodes” (me) and it was mean, anyways I did the same and sent the link to them saying that it was a project just for them and it “wasn’t” a mean project, and yeah this all happened 2021 June, a 1 week before my last days of school, and I said sorry and they never talked to me again, until… August 2021, I was in Chicago (vacation B) ) and in the hotel in the evening we were getting ready to go out me and my siblings were sitting watching tv I was using my phone when I saw that bella muffins came back and kept commenting rude things again, at that moment I felt like telling my parents but it would of got me in trouble, when we were driving to get dinner I was thinking off a comeback that will leave her to never try and roast me again, and potato helped me with it and we roasted her, until back at the hotel after dinner she was saying things like I hope you get banned or I hope your account gets terminated, day 2 at the hotel , aGawrGura said “ I’m reporting” even though I did nothing and never saw them again, I thought so.. September, 15th, I was banned… tbc…

Dec 14, 2021, 3:01 PM
4 2 9
Dec 14, 2021, 3:25 PM
4 1 0

and i’m literally perm banned -n- i mean i said sorry to that nut (bella) with vpn but she hasn’t responded :P

and guess what some retard on scratch made this Bio contest thing and I joined and i did not under stand it so I made the wrong thing I put MY stuff in the notes and credits any ways he said “eh not really amazing like IDontKnoww_’s (Melaniele8)” i unshared it and and did nothing and i called it “my entry a better one T-T “ and scratch thought i was referring to Melaniele8’s project and banned me… scratch team I hate them… D’:<

Idiot behind this: -_-NotFrosty-_-

I was on potato’s chromebook and I was on my google account trying to look at some old nostalgic accounts and I found LunaAnimator from January  and I signed into it and started making projects and getting followers and everything went bad I got banned.. I can’t go on more it just makes me sad when i think abt it assuming I got banned on awesomepandacodes exactly a few weeks before my 1 year anniversary of being on scratch…  

A few reasons why I got banned .v.

So, as we all know there can be some retards on scratch that start random arguments for no reason, so i came across someone named “Bella_Muffins

and when i tell you she was rude af i mean it, she literally started commenting on all my projects stuff like “stupid” or “cringe” or “homophobic” and then aGawrGura her dumb friend made a project called “For AwesomePandaCodes” (me) and it was mean, anyways I did the same and sent the link to them saying that it was a project just for them and it “wasn’t” a mean project, and yeah this all happened 2021 June, a 1 week before my last days of school, and I said sorry and they never talked to me again, until… August 2021, I was in Chicago (vacation B) ) and in the hotel in the evening we were getting ready to go out me and my siblings were sitting watching tv I was using my phone when I saw that bella muffins came back and kept commenting rude things again, at that moment I felt like telling my parents but it would of got me in trouble, when we were driving to get dinner I was thinking off a comeback that will leave her to never try and roast me again, and potato helped me with it and we roasted her, until back at the hotel after dinner she was saying things like I hope you get banned or I hope your account gets terminated, day 2 at the hotel , aGawrGura said “ I’m reporting” even though I did nothing and never saw them again, I thought so.. September, 15th, I was banned… tbc…

Dec 14, 2021, 3:01 PM
4 2 9
Dec 14, 2021, 3:25 PM
4 1 0

Thnank you @jeffalo .w.


I wonder does jeffalo also own your account?

Not like I have a problem it’s just i’ve been wonder that for lots of days-

Dec 16, 2021, 6:37 PM
0 1 4

. o .

Something I made:

import time
import os

def clear():
    os.system('clear' if os.name=='nt' else 'clear')

def blank():

print('Loading Program.')
print('Program Successfully loaded.')



programstarted = 'true'

if programstarted == 'true':
	booter = 'start'

# anything beyond this comment is a part of the program
print("Welcome to PyThing v0.1!")
username = input("What is your name? ")

print("Welcome, " + username + "!")

from online

Six funny comebacks:

1. If I throw a stick, will you leave?

2. You’re a gray sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake.

3. If your brain was dynamite, there wouldn’t be enough to blow your hat off.

4. You are more disappointing than an unsalted pretzel.

5. Light travels faster than sound, which is why you seemed bright until you spoke.

6. Your face makes onions cry.


why does my name sound like “dAn”

i t r i e d t o g i v e i t 1 5 l i k e s b u t i t d i d n ‘ t w o r k…

j k l o l

Comment editing concept!

(horrible, but i’m no image editor.)

(@jeffalo plz implement)

Btw lolzify is a rip off of potato on scratch. 👁👄👁 👁👅👁

lolzify is cringe ._.


lolzify is cringe ._.


This is what got me banned on lunaanimator


zing zing bing zing ASdFGhJkL

What does the fox say?


Oh noes!1 Another zero-day for ChromeOS!1!!1


The frickin newest update won’t even show up for me….