
18, youtuber, dumb

Hey Everyone!

I'm McVincient , & I make content about Scratch.

Other useless information- I'm 18, and really dumb.

Link - https://youtube.com/@McVincient

(As a big youtuber once said, Why follow your dreams, when you can follow me?)

Feb 15, 2023, 9:03 AM
5 0 2

it feels so weird that I’m the only youtuber in my entire family

Fun Fact : The first car accident ever recorded happened in 1891 in Ohio, when a car hit a tree root and lost control, crashing into a hitching post. Down in Ohio

Fun Fact : The heart shape that is commonly associated with Valentine's Day is actually based on the shape of a silphium plant seed, which was used as a form of birth control in ancient Rome.


Fun Fact : In the Middle Ages, people believed that the first unmarried person of the opposite sex they saw on Valentine's Day would become their spouse. I hope they excluded siblings….

Fun Fact : The original name for Pac-Man was Puck Man… More like F-

yesterday was wasteof2’s 2 year birthday. hooray!

bruh it actually did lmao

can this post get 3 likes?

when you’ve never used scratch but gotta say something:

This looks like a meme made by a 14-year-old Scratcher that claims to have every single mental disorder in existence, and gets really mad whenever somebody remixes their projects for any reason at all