
18, youtuber, dumb

Hey Everyone!

I'm McVincient , & I make content about Scratch.

Other useless information- I'm 18, and really dumb.

Link - https://youtube.com/@McVincient

(As a big youtuber once said, Why follow your dreams, when you can follow me?)

Feb 15, 2023, 9:03 AM
5 0 2

can 😀 I 👨 type ⌨️ like 👍 I 👨 got 💪 too 🕑 much 🤯 time ⌚ on ☝️ my 😄 hand ✋, or are emojis considered cringe here as well?

How do I get verified?

So, in my college, during the "sports" induction program, they asked us to wrap up an egg with paper and leaves and make it as though it won't break when dropped from 30ft. There were 8 groups, and not a single egg survived.

The depressing thing about the gym is that no matter how buff I get, I'll never be as good as the guy in the poster outside.

Every time I go on https://wasteof.money, I want to post something, but most of the time I have no idea what to post. Is this the case for you too?

“Discord is not a good thing” - VSauce

Antartica is not that cold tbh 🧊🚫

Average moon is much colder than Antartica’s lowest temperature 🌕

It’s just too overrated 🤷‍♂️

damn bruh I set a trend ig?

twitter 50

wasteof 700

insta 100

youtube 8k

t2 500

YouTube : 11K

Scratch : 4K

WasteOf : 19 🤓🤓🤓

emit ruoy detsaw tsuj I

So there’s this extension that puts mrbeast’s face in every youtube thumbnail on your homepage……

What’s something you can eat, but not touch?

“touch grass” ok now what

guys I found dry water