
18, youtuber, dumb

Hey Everyone!

I'm McVincient , & I make content about Scratch.

Other useless information- I'm 18, and really dumb.

Link - https://youtube.com/@McVincient

(As a big youtuber once said, Why follow your dreams, when you can follow me?)

Feb 15, 2023, 9:03 AM
5 0 2

This is now disgraceful.

Scratch Team got back to me and said I was also banned since “I claimed to be an adult man who interviewed other Scratchers”

So, here you go guys. Adults aren’t allowed on Scratch, and you can’t interview other Scratchers.

Scratch Team is treating me like I’m a nonce when in reality I’m just a happy father who wanted to interact on a site that my son used and to help out the community. And this is the impression I have been given.

My 3rd account, thatphysicsforumer, just got banned for “ban evading” and that I should log in to “physicsfanaticman” to learn more, when that account is deleted and that ban reason was the one mentioned below (the vague one of “your account is banned for breaking the community guidelines when I haven’t broke any) and that I had already got a contact-us response saying I could continue with that account.

Why do I deserve to be treated like this?

My first account, @obesityoftheold, got blocked for an “inappropriate username” (it’s because obesity is a problem amongst old people in the Netherlands) and now my 2nd account, PhysicsFanaticMan, got blocked for the following:

Your Scratch account has been blocked for continuing to break our Community Guidelines.

When I know I never broke any guidelines and they didn’t provide me with any comments that broke the guidelines?

After all my hard work on the forums with my posts the last week, this is how the Scratch Team treats me.

Jul 31, 2023, 3:52 PM
13 3 0

Yesterday a group of girls were trying to cancel rain cuz it makes people wet without their consent 💀

Breathing, or "pulmonary ventilation," is the vital exchange of gases—oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2)—through a symphony of anatomical, biochemical, and neurophysiological events. The central nervous system (CNS) orchestrates this intricate process involving the autonomic and somatic nervous systems. The medulla oblongata and pons, residing in the brainstem, act as master conductors, precisely regulating diaphragm and intercostal muscle contractions.

Inhaling initiates the process as the diaphragm contracts, expanding the thoracic cavity, and pulmonary stretch receptors stimulate the medullary respiratory centers to modulate breathing. Oxygen diffuses across the respiratory membrane into pulmonary capillaries, while carbon dioxide moves from the blood to the alveoli for elimination during exhalation.

Breathing extends beyond the lungs, affecting cardiovascular and circulatory systems. Oxygenated blood circulates, nourishing tissues and meeting metabolic demands. Beyond survival, controlled breathing impacts emotional regulation, speech, and artistic expression. Breathing techniques play a role in meditation, mindfulness, and spiritual practices, promoting self-awareness and overall well-being.

In conclusion, breathing is a complex orchestration of physiological mechanisms, sustaining life and enhancing human experiences. Its significance reaches far beyond mere respiration, demonstrating the profound harmony of human existence and our connection to the rhythm of life.

If wasteof was a mobile app, its screentime would be lesser than the settings app.

life has been good (kinda)

Hot take: “Baby on board” car stickers are the most useless intention ever

“Ah shit I was going to bash into this car but a baby’s on board maybe I shouldn’t do that”

I need a video editor for my YT channel (you’ll be paid)

Imagine treating your forum userbase unfairly when they are usually the ones who defend the Scratch Team and help the community…. It’s disgusting

My 3rd account, thatphysicsforumer, just got banned for “ban evading” and that I should log in to “physicsfanaticman” to learn more, when that account is deleted and that ban reason was the one mentioned below (the vague one of “your account is banned for breaking the community guidelines when I haven’t broke any) and that I had already got a contact-us response saying I could continue with that account.

Why do I deserve to be treated like this?

My first account, @obesityoftheold, got blocked for an “inappropriate username” (it’s because obesity is a problem amongst old people in the Netherlands) and now my 2nd account, PhysicsFanaticMan, got blocked for the following:

Your Scratch account has been blocked for continuing to break our Community Guidelines.

When I know I never broke any guidelines and they didn’t provide me with any comments that broke the guidelines?

After all my hard work on the forums with my posts the last week, this is how the Scratch Team treats me.

Jul 31, 2023, 3:52 PM
13 3 0

this is the type of joke my young cousin thinks is funny

I was struggling to figure out how lightning works, but then it struck me.

kumalala kumalala kumala savesta

People with visual impairments rolling up to tell Musk that this is another shit and unnecessary change:

Jul 27, 2023, 9:56 PM
21 2 18

Normalize normalizing normalisable normalities (i don’t know what I just said)

normalize hugging the homies