
designer, developer, musician. wasteof for Android dev

✨ Introducing wasteof for Android!

wasteof for Android is the official way to use wasteof.money on your phone! Features are being added semi-regularly, so if you’d like to give it a try then download it below. It's available on Google Play now!

Download it now: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.micahlindley.wasteofmobile

Apr 8, 2022, 4:49 AM
29 1 56

So I’ve submitted wasteof.mobile to the Google Play Store for the third time now. I had to add the functionality to block users, as well as a link to the privacy policy. A bit of a waste of time (lol) but worth it if it gets accepted this time.

The wasteof.mobile android app just got rejected from Google Play because I didn’t provide Google with a wasteof account to log in to. I know what I’m doing now.

I have been waiting for a straight 45 minutes to watch this comedian live. I'm getting bored. Already cleared out all my notifications, looked through all my email accounts and Instagram stories, checked Scratch notifs, gone through my Discover feed twice, and scrolled through both GitHub and Dribbble.

First post from the wasteof3 beta! Absolutely love it, @jeffalo is doing a wonderful job! Everything is fast and smooth. Just a few points:


  • Monospace font is a cool aesthetic, but I’d really love to see an option in Settings for at least a sans-serif.

  • Maybe add some horizontal padding on the navbar?

  • The user card above the about me seems redundant since it’s all info that can be found elsewhere on a profile.

  • Profiles are amazing! The layout is perfect!

Can’t wait to see where this goes!

Okay, it’s been submitted! And now we wait…

On another note, I did finally get around to setting up my developer page which is pretty cool - https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=6956576600836460324

Currently putting wasteof.mobile on Google Play! Hopefully they won't take too long to review it!

a waste of an RTX 3050 Ti

Apr 21, 2022, 3:01 AM
38 2 53

definitely not me checking the beta URL every fifteen minutes

Couldn’t find a perfect Vue 3/Vite template that matched my preferences, so I made one.  If you like vanilla JS, the Composition API, automatically imported components, Vue Router with a pages folder, and lazy-loaded routes then you should check it out - saves a lot of time on deleting and editing boilerplate code created by npm create vite: https://github.com/micahlt/vite-vue3-simple-starter

Made my first PR to @jeffalo’s Ocular that handles ScratchDB network errors!

Apr 19, 2022, 8:54 PM
5 0 8

*Also laughs verifiedly*

*Laughs verifiedly*

What does a laughing emoji that entertains the users of wasteof (petition to call them money-wasters) have to do to get verified round here?

what does a fashionable penguin crime lord have to do to get verified around here?

What does a d logo made of 5 rectangles have to do to get verified around here?

Apr 17, 2022, 9:48 PM
14 1 6
Apr 19, 2022, 4:41 PM
5 2 0

Got on top users! Thanks for the follow @chiroyce!

Apr 19, 2022, 4:07 PM
8 0 16

Wow, I’m startlingly close to being on Top Users - that was fast lol

Micah’s List of Necessary VSCode Extensions/Themes


  • Dracula Theme - a super awesome dark theme with excellent syntax highlighting

  • or Shades of Purple - a more colorful dark theme - heavy on lavender and yellow

  • Prettier - super fast code formatter

  • Markdown All In One - live preview and support for Markdown files

  • Vetur - really good Vue devtools in VSCode

  • Github Repository Manager - quickly clone GitHub repos from multiple accounts or organizations

  • Color Picker - nuff said, you gotta have it

  • Box Shadow - really useful CSS shadow creator

  • Search node_modules - quicker than browsing through the explorer

Heck yeah, wasteof3 better do this @jeffalo

@jeffalo why are reposts still not called recycles?